
My thrift store May outing

Last week, I decided to head to Goodwill for a little shopping spree. My goal was to find some items to complete my wardrobe: printed pants, anything camo, skirt or dress and graphic tees. This is the only Goodwill and thrift store in town. Goodwill is actually not my favorite thrift store because I find it to be expensive so I made sure to be selective.

Thankfully I was able to shop without any children which made the experience more enjoyable. I browsed down the aisles and picked up items that I found interesting. Sadly there were no camo! And sadly since I am not imposing a spending freeze till July 1st so the children and I can enjoy some fun summer experiences on a budget, there will be not looking for camo for a little while!

These were my picks:

Then it was time to try everything. Almost every thing worked!

  • I kept the first pair of pants because I have nothing like that either in shape of print. Whether I use them as pants or pajamas remains to be seen. They might be the subject of another post!
  • I really liked the gingham pants (Loft brand). However they were too wide in the thigh and bottom area so they did not come back with me.
  • I love the skirt: great length, great pattern, great material! Wore them on Sunday!

Next came the shirts.

I love the weird faces when I took those pictures: I am not used to taking pictures of myself in a dressing room but at least the mirror was nice and big.

  • I kept the anchor tee but I will see if I like it better tucked in. I am not sure the length works well in that pic since it stops at the widest part of my hips.
  • The love tee was so soft! It has a curved hem which I did not really like but I like everything else about the shirt so I will probably tuck it in like I did in this picture. I can see this with denim shorts and jeans, colored shorts as well as paired with skirts.
  • I love purple and since I do not have an long sleeve graphic tee this one came home with me.
  • Last one was too tight and the v neck to low cut for my comfort so it went back.

I had pulled a dress off the rack but I did not try it since I wanted to stay in budget. I did buy my 18 month old son a pair of sandals and my total came to under $25. Hope you enjoyed this trip to Goodwill with me!

A bientôt!

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