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Falcons game date night

Thanks to Ed, a friend of my husband, we were able to go on a date night to the Falcons’ football game at the Mercedes-Benz stadium in Atlanta. It was a great budget friendly date since all we paid were our parking and a bottle of water walking back to our car. What made this date special is that we typically just go out to dinner for our dates so doing something out of the ordinary for us made our outing very special. Thanks Ed!

Neither my husband nor I are big professional football fans but he does know the game and I have watched enough college football games to know what is going on. I just enjoyed being out of the house doing something fun with my hubby!

Since we were going to be in a section with Eagles fan I decided to go neutral with my new camo pants, new circle belt, and old tank and my new wedge sneakers. Having not sized up half a size on the sneakers, they ended up not being the best choice since we had to walk about 20 minutes to the stadium. I have blisters to show for it! I do love how the look though and I am sure next time I wear them, I will not have the same problem!

The stadium is very impressive! If the fans in front of you get up every time there is a good play, you can at least look at the giant screen at the top of the arena! Thankfully that fan finally stopped doing that!

We had eaten a wonderful early supper of grilled steaks (remember that post on chuck eye steaks?), veggies and fruit tarte to celebrate our birthdays so we did not feel the need for a bite which help keep our date nice and budget friendly. We actually would have paid less for parking if we had paid it on the spot instead of online but that is a lesson learned for next time!

We left after the first play after halftime because we knew we had to get up early and had a 45 minutes drive home. The city looked pretty at night but I was surprised at the number of homeless people on the streets. I have been to a number of large cities and this was the most I had seen in a long time! Atlanta is also quite smelly! Smellier than a lot of the large cities we have visited in the past 5 years, here and abroad.

I am hoping to have another fun date with the hubby next month and will have to see what is going on around us. As I am needing to get back on budget, I will be looking for free or very cheap ideas!

A bientôt!

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