
New Summer Routine

Today is the last day of school work for my children. The school year ends on the 22nd but no new work will be assigned giving students time to catch up on past assignments if they need to. Our routine will not change much this month as we stay close to home and kept our social distance. We will continue to enjoy the outdoors as weather permits and figure out later on how June and July will look like. Will the neighborhood pool open this summer? Will we visit our friends on our usual road trip to Missouri? And will we have our long weekend in the mountains with my sister in law. That all will be figured out later on. Until then, my children still need a routine.

As I do not want the children to forget what they have learned this year, we will use different games to practice math skills. My 6 year old will work on addition and substraction with bingo games, flashcard and a workbook while my 9 year old will practice multiplication in the same way. I need to find some type of workbook to challenge my 13 year old who will start high school. He wants to work on Algebra II.

Here are the games I have set up in the dining room. We will play them together and the 6 year old can call out the cards for the multiplication game so there can be 2 players. I also have different matching game to review telling time and counting money.

I have not implemented chores the past 2 months so I need to set up a schedule to get the children to help out a little around the house. I want them to help with simple things such as emptying trash cans, wiping down bathrooms, dusting and putting away dishes. They can also help vaccum and help with laundry.

For fun, we will continue to play outdoors and go on hikes. I am giving the 3 youngest a few new toys today. I went to Target earlier this week and spent way too much money (but I did need to buy a couple pairs of shoes for the kids as well as other necessities) and got some fun things for them to get them excited about summer. I got a tub of chalk, a few small stuffed animals, bubbles and bubble guns, some water squirt balls and some water balloons. I do hope our pool opens up at the end of the month!

Electronics time will still be during the youngest’s naptime and I hope to get back to regular movie and game nights. I’ve been keeping some popcorn on hand and our usual summer snack is to make or buy popsicles. I may share a favorite recipe soon.

How is your summer going to be different than the last 2 months? Any changes in routine?

A bientôt!

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  • Joanne

    I don’t think our routine will change much yet as it’s still not very warm out. Once summer weather hits we’ll definitely be going for kayak rides and swimming in the lake.

  • Amy Johnson

    I have no idea what my summer will be like, we are just waiting and seeing what our governor decides. In the meantime, I’m just gardening, gardening, gardening. Thank God I have a big, beautiful yard to get me through this difficult time. I can’t even imagine what people are dealing with who live in apartments.

  • Ellibelle

    Educational games are the best! We loved playing those when our kids were younger! I’m not sure how our summer is going to look like. Usually my brother from overseas comes to visit and we take a trip together somewhere in the US, unless it’s a year when we visit, and it looks like neither is happening this year….

    We’ll probably visit more state parks and botanical gardens that aren’t too far away. Definitely more trips to Iowa! And I am sure we’ll be getting more things done around the house.

    Ellibelle’s Corner

    • mimifce

      Botanical gardens and state parks sound perfect. Got a GA state park pass so we need to take advantage to it!

  • Mica

    Sounds like you’ve thought a lot about what summer will mean! It’s nice you get to start it so early 🙂 The kids go back to school here next week and I was just pointing out to hubby that I still have two “emergency puzzles” under my desk that I didn’t have to use, haha! I had bought some jigsaw puzzles and if I was on an important meeting and the boys were being rowdy I pulled one out to quietly amuse them. I’m surprised I didn’t have to use them all up, haha!

    Hope that you are having a good weekend 🙂 Since some of the restrictions have been relaxed in Brisbane we were able to enjoy a picnic yesterday! With social distancing of course, it was so nice to enjoy some time in the park.

    • mimifce

      That is great! We had a nice time with my parents today and will celebrate mother’s day tomorrow with family.

  • Michelle

    You are a very organized mom. Smart to combine fun and learning! Dan and I are both retired. Except for canceling a number of events that we’d planned to attend this spring, our daily life has not been too different. We both have hobbies that keep us occupied.

    Stay well my friend!

    • mimifce

      Hobbies are good! My mom is going to start sewing a little again. I need to start exercising again!

  • Shelbee on the Edge

    Mireille, you are so on top of things! I seriously aspire to be as organized and diligent as you with the business of homeschooling. I am about at my wits’ end with it all and we still have 7 weeks left of the school year. Yes, 7 long weeks of home instruction before I can throw in the towel on the whole darn thing. However, I suspect we will be starting the next school year in September with the same homeschooling regiment so I better quit complaining and get to the work at hand. Wishing you the best Mother’s Day!


    • mimifce

      I am so thankful ours is over! I am pretty lucky our school had a pretty good system that was not too much work for the kids. It helps too that the boys were ahead in math and language so the work has only been review for them (apart for the oldest who has all subjects). I am wondering how the year will start. We usually start first or 2nd week of August.

  • Grace | Graceful Rags

    Sounds like a great routine! The new toys and bubble guns sound especially fun. My summer hasn’t started yet, but I’m so excited for when it does in a few weeks!

    Miles of smiles,