
A Day in my Life

I thought is would be fun to do one of these posts since my last one was when life was more normal and I wanted to document a day in the days of the easing of the lockdown in our state.

6:00 Woke up but didn’t get up till 6:55

7:30 – 8:00 Ran 2 miles with neighbor: we ran a 9:50ish min/mile and a 10:50 mile. We are planning to run 3 times a week and increase our distance. With the heat though, we will need to start going earlier.

8:00-8:45 Shower, fed kids breakfast, posted my daily instagram pictures and spent a little time liking and commenting on posts.

8:45-9:30 Went to park where I ran to show the boys the ducks, geese and turtles (and fish too). They loved it. We then played on the playground, hand sanitizer before and after playing. Had my 9 year old take my OOTD picture.

9:30- 11:00 Blog link ups and visited/commented on 3 posts per link up. Did this on the porch.

11:00 We dropped off the waiver at the pool. Today is the first day that they are opening it and asked the residents of the neighborhood to sign a waiver to release neighborhood hoa of any responsibity of Covid 19 or injurries. We then stopped by the library to pick up books curbside (they will open on the 15th) and stopped downtown for a walk. We did not go into anystores but looks at signs: most stores or open, some with shorter hours. Only the antique shop went out of business and the space is now for rent.

11:45 Carwash and picked up Onward at Redbox: that is the closest to being in a store that my kids have been. Both activities were free: we have free unlimited carwashes at this carwash and my friend gave me her 2 coupons for free rentals since she will not be using them. I am on a savings kick right now as I am hoping to plan a trip to Europe for Christmas and maybe another next summer if everything cooperates!

12:30 Lunch (grilled cheese and strawberries for boys), kids watched some tv.

1:00 Toddler napping: I put away laundry, reorganized my closet a little (hanging my flowy pants so they don’t get as wrinkled) and wrote this post and another.

3:00 Movie afternoon: it is too hot and humid to be outdoors. We watched Onwards and really enjoyed it.

5:30 Dinner: tuna melts (half of them fell in the oven, oops) with brocolli and fruit for dessert.

6:00-7:30 Pool time

7:30-8:30 Bedtimes

8:30-10:30 Movie time for mommy!

A bientรดt!

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I link up with these fabulous blog link ups!