
Tuskaleechee Caverns, TN

I am concluding our trip to the Smokies with a detour trip we took to visit the Tuskaleechee Caverns in Townsend, TN. The caverns were an hour and 45 minutes away from our rental and the ride there was beautiful as it took us through the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Our favorite view was near the top and we stopped to take some pictures.

I was ready for walking on slippery ground with my hiking boots which turned out to be a good idea since I ended up carrying my youngest for part of the way.

The cavern has beautiful stalagtites and stagalmites formations. This was our second visit (the first without children) and knowing how much they enjoyed visiting caves in the republic of Georgia, I knew they would like this too. Maybe not as impressive but still awe inspiring in spots.

The big room can almost fit a football stadium inside. See the cat?

It always amazes me how natural formations are each so different from each other. Curtains, waterfalls, stalagmites and stalagtites, none look the same. The temperature is perfect for a hot summer day when you are underground!

Imagine discovering these caverns as a child by candle light!

Have you visited caverns in your state? I have past by some in Alabama and Kentucky but have not visited them. Maybe we should remedy that soon. We enjoy exploring when we travel to a different state and while we sometimes have a lazy day or two, we try to make sure we have a couple expeditions planned.

A bientôt!

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