Organization: a Key Component in Budgeting
I briefly touched on how being organized is important and vital in being successful with budgeting and saving money in an Instagram post last Friday. In this instance, being organized is synonymous with planning. You are organizing your budgeting by planning what expenses you will have. As you will see today, being organized does not mean you will always reach your goal because you also need dedication and self control but it will truly be helpful in planning your budget and being prepared for life events and being realistic with how much you can spend and save. Here are some areas that I think it is important to consider and plan for each month.
Some people really like apps on their phone or computer to plan but I really like to use pen and paper. The act of writing down something helps make it real in my mind. The most important tool is a calendar of some sort: it can be a planner, a simple calendar sheet or a calendar page from your Budget by Paycheck Workbook (I invested in this last year and will be able to use it for two consecutive years which makes it worth the initial cost for me).
These are the categories you should plan for each month and write on your calendar:
- special events that month (birthdays, anniversary, holidays)
- special events that year (Christmas, school starting, anniversary, vacations)
- when bills are due and which paychecks will pay for them (especially if 2 incomes or paid every two weeks)
Being organized will help you save money as you will know what incomes is coming in and out and you will have a lot of less unexpected expenses.
Food: Meal Planning
Meal planning will prevent you from using the excuse of eating out or ordering take out because there “is nothing for dinner”.
- Planning for the week: I usually plan different types of meals when my husband is home and when it is just me and the kids: I go for simpler. more child friendly meals which are often times more budget friendly also (can anyone say mac and cheese?).
- Menu and shopping the sales: I like to shop at Kroger and Aldi: I typically shop the Kroger special sales and what I know I cannot find at Aldi. I do occasionally go to Publix for a B1G1 special deal.
- Here are a couple posts I wrote about food budgeting:
- If you know there are special events coming up you can plan for a leaner week (think shopping your freezer and pantry) since you know you will be spending more for a get together or visitors spending time at your house or a dinner out. By planning ahead this month, I was able to not go over my regular grocery budget of $700 by more than $100). That included having 2 visitors for a week and ordering take out for lunch. You can occasionally eat steaks if you plan for it!

Sinking Funds
Create sinking funds (which are either cash envelopes or bank accounts) for certain big events that will happen that year.
Think of things like Christmas, a vacation, car repairs, back to school supplies or an anniversary. This year, I decided to save $50 per month for Christmas, put my change and $5 bills aside for an anniversary fund and put $50 aside per month also for car repairs. Now I did not do that for school supplies so that was a little hit on the budget for the month of August! I had planned $200 in my budget which was a pretty good guess based on last year’s supply list. My oldest’s calculator was a little more than $100 so I was grateful that the other supplies did not cost much this year. The boys are going to school on a hybrid program right now. Thankfully, Christmas and anniversary spending will be mostly if not all taken care of. I do hope to be more thrifty for Christmas this year. Here is a post I wrote about Christmas spending and how to prepare for it.
I put money aside every week and every month for future vacations. Since traveling is greatly reduced this year, that savings account is not being used as much this year but we are prepared for future fun! I also plan for the bigger vacation by having a bucket list of the travels I hope to take in the upcoming years. I can then adjust my savings plans accordingly.

Personal Shopping
Now this is an area where I need to show self control and make adjustments to these last months of 2020 and for 2021. I really failed at my plans to be thrifty in the area of clothes shopping. I need to stick to the plan!
- Take a look at your closet and figure out which area you will need to purchase some things: do you need to replace a pair of boots? Do your white shirts need to be updated? Do you want to add more color to your closet? Do you want to add a new jacket to your closet? Once you determine a general idea of a list for your year, try to spread it out over the season or when you know sales will be coming up. Resist impulse shopping as much as possible. It is ok to treat yourself but don’t make it a habit. Shopping begets shopping. And following bloggers with fun fashion taste can be dangerous, lol! I do not even want to know what I have spent this year on clothing. The only good thing is that I have worn everything that I have bought multiple times and I will be wearing these items for years to come. I did think about my purchases and whether the cost per wear was going to be worth it.
- kitchen updates: be aware of what might need to be replaced. I am replacing my baking sheets and I had a couple kitchen tools such as kitchen scissors that met their end. Little things add up!

Home Improvements
If you are planning to make improvements to your house or repairs, know that that will probably be taken from your savings or what would go in your savings. Plan accordingly!
I hope these tips have given you a couple of ideas. I really need to do better with the personal shopping and my plan is to take the last 4 months of the year as a budget reset in that area. I do not need anything! I am allowing myself to get a pair of grey boots as mine need replacing but otherwise I really want to exercise some self control and not buy anything. Can I do it? i am not sure but I sure am going to try.

A bientôt!
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Kimberly F Malkiewicz
It seems like so few people go to the trouble of budgeting this thoroughly, anymore. It really is important to see where your money goes and take responsibility for both your expenses and fun. While I didn’t do it to fit into a budget, I meal planned all the time and would pack snacks to eat in the car even when it was just a mall trip. With five children an impulse fast food stop would cost a small fortune! I would save up for household items, like new draperies.
Exactly! The food can get out of hand sometimes and it is easy for me to make cuts there. And of course not go crazy with clothes shopping lol!
Jennifer Pickering
These are great tips! I’m trying to budget more.
Curated by Jennifer
Good luck!
Thank you for sharing these important tips!
Hope they help!
I do all my meal planning on Sunday. It just seems like the best day to cook for the week and meal prep!
Having a plan is key!
jodie filogomo
I have truly heard that writing something down imprints it in your brain better. So it’s smart to keep organized that way.
We used to make all of our lunches on Sunday for the week. While we don’t do that as much anymore, I always would rather make a bunch, and have it for leftovers as long as possible. To me that’s so much more time efficient.
Great post Mireille,
I do like not having to cook every night. But sometimes my kids eat a lot! And then there are no leftovers!
These are good tips! i think it’s a smart idea to meal plan, although it has been tricky to do so since the pandemic started as it’s not been easy finding things in stock! A few times I’ve ordered just enough ingredients for us to have a week of meals and snacks and then something hasn’t arrived in the order, which makes it tricky! I think I’m getting better at finding alternatives of things though!
Hope you are having a lovely weekend 🙂
Thankfully, I haven’t had a hard time finding anything. My usual problem is lack of self control!
Amy Johnson
You are always so good with budgeting!
I try. I do better when I have specific goals to save more, like a vacation or a goal for saving account.
You are so good at budgeting and these are helpful tips! I agree that making a list keeps me on track better than using an app. I need to be better at putting aside money for Christmas, car repairs, etc!
Jill – Doused in Pink
This is the first year I actually saved cash for those. It will be nice when those times come around since I will have less to pay out of pocket.
Tracy Colon
Thank you for all these tips! I need to do a better job with my food budget!
That is the easiest for me to make cuts usually. The better I plan the less we spend especially if I buy when meat and snacks are on sale.