budgeting,  mom

Pantry Redo: Before and After

I shared my pantry reorganization a few months ago in this blog post and today I am sharing another pantry redo to show you how different spaces can be reorganized. My pantry is a walk in pantry with two walls of shelves while my friend pantry is a row of 4 shelves with two doors that open out. This little project was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed doing something like this for my friend.


Here is the before of the pantry! The pantry is really quite roomy and the shelves are well spaced. My friend keeps pantry well stocked but needed some help with grouping things together and finding everything a home.

The middle shelf actually overhelmed me a little because there were so many cans!

Lots of things without a home! Having a full pantry is great but it saves money when you know what you have. By creating groupings, my friend will be able to know when she needs to buy something and make sure nothing goes to waste.

The two bottom shelf held a number of miscellaneous items.


With 42 dollars in supplies, I reorganized the pantry. Here is the breakdown:

  • tiered can shelf (set of 2) $19.99 – Amazon
  • 4 canvas bins ($4.25) – Dollar Tree
  • set of 5 plastic bins ($16.99)

My first step was to organize all of the cans on the shelves. I did two main groupings: tomato products and bean products. Even my friend was surprised how many variety of beans she had! I used two plastic bins for extra cans (like canned tuna and chicken) and the other for condiment type jars. The labels I made out of a cereal box and chalkboard sticks that came with plastic containers I purchased on Amazon (it came with lots of extra stickers). I actually attached the labels to all of the bins with yarn after these pictures (I couldn’t find my hole punch). The second shelf hotds baking supplies on the left, sweet things in one bin, bread stuff in the other and the last bin has rice and pasta.

These little canvas boxes from Dollar Tree turned out to be the perfect height for her shelves. One holds plastic wares (spoons, forks..), the other a large collection of seasonal paper napkins and table cloths and the bottom one cookie cutters. I showed my friend how I decant boxes from snacks and put a number of each out for consumption (straw basket). Chips all found a home on the right. I used her baskets to save money and waste.

Depending on your budget, you can make your pantry more or less uniform and aesthetic. We went for budget and simplicity of use. I think the can shelves were a good investment since she has so many cans.

I do love this kind of project! I have thought a few times I should help out a couple of friends so I was glad for this opportunity. Both her husband and her reaction were “this is amazing” so I think they were happy campers! I will check by in a few weeks to see how it looks! She has been forewarned lol!

A bientôt!

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