budget,  travel

Frankfort, Kentucky: Murals

When we took a day to visit Frankfort and the state capitol there, I did not expect to come accross a number of murals all in really close proximity. Once we saw one, I googgled the location of others and we walk to a few and found a couple more on the way out of town.

While we enjoyed our walk, lunch in a parking lot (a lot of restaurants are still closed to indoor eating) with some rain, it was really kind of sad that a number of businesses had closed down due to the continued shutdown in the state especially here in Frankfort.

This mural was near the restaurant we ordered food from and of course I was drawn to the sunflowers, sunflowers being my favorite flower. The colors were vibrant and the details really drew the eyes.

Not to be left behind, the mural with the birds was really impressive too (but then wait till the last mural I share: incredible!).

The hummingbird reminded me of all of the hummingbirds that come visit us at home. They are my mother in law’s favorite bird.

Next is another of her favorites that we also see in our yard: the bluebird.

Of course, the cardinal makes an appearance too. It is the state bird of Kentucky.

Before heading out of town, we drove by two more murals. This one was much smaller than the others but near a foot bridge. Had it not been raining we probably would have parked and walked accross the river.

The last one just wowed me! I am always impressed of the talent that some people have. Artistic creativity through painting, sewing and even home decorating just amaze me.

Do you love murals? I am always happy to find some to take pictures of them and also to use as a backdrop. Come back next Wednesday for my last travel post of our spring break!

A bientôt!

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