
How to Create Habits that Will Stick

We all start a new year thinking about the things we want to work on and improve whether we call them resolutions, goals or habits. Most of my habits are similar from year to year as I get lazy or forget about some of them throughout the year. However I have learned through trial and error what helps me create a habit so that it becomes part of my routine and this year I have done much better because I know what makes me tick for each habit. I am sharing these because some of my triggers or buttons might be yours too and you might get ideas or encouragement from this post.

  • water intake: for me it boils down to my water container: I need something large enough with a top (no straw) that keeps my water cold. Since getting my new RTIC 30 oz tumbler which checks all the boxes, I am now drinking at least 60 oz a day or more. I did buy mine for about $6 less than the price listed right now.
  • exercising: running: I continue to go to running club once a week and I choose who to run with depending on my mood: there are runners of different speeds so if I want to be fast that night I can but if I want a more laid back run, I choose to pair with a runner that runs slower. We have two coaches and a regular group of about 15 to 20 people who show up each week. There are more members but these are the regulars. I am now getting another 3 runs a week, those much slower but also longer and early in the morning. I have two running partners who invited me to join me at 4:45 AM and we meet with some other ladies at 6 AM on Saturday for a run of at least 6 miles. My 2 early morning friends are slower runners so I really enjoy those runs despite the less than 30 degrees weather so far! I am back to walking 2 to 3 times a week with my friend (who is my neighbor also). So far me it is all about having a partner! But I do need to watch as I lay here in bed with ice packs on my shins!

Halfway through a Saturday run

  • Spending time with friends: I had lofty dreams of doing something monthly with 2 friends before Covid hit in 2020  and then really didn’t do too much with that dream since we were all isolating for a certain amount of time and then I never made any regular plans. This year, I plan to meet 2 friends each month and the key is planning and flexibility. We have kids so we take that into account with our plans but we are proactive with planning and looking at our calendars. Last month, I met an old friend (we’ve known each other for 17 years maybe?) at the Georgia aquarium and we have plans to meet up next week. I just met a new friend and blogger Rachel from The Faux French Girl through Instagram this week in Chattanooga at a playground and coffee shop and we have plans to meet up at the aquarium there next month. We had a great time getting to know each other!

  • Shopping less! I have bought a few things in January and this month but they were very intentional buys. 3 purchases were from Poshmark, 1 from a consigment store and one from Amazon. I have found that my triggers for shopping without a purpose are boredom, anger and feeling the need to be rewarded. So now I am concious about those triggers and can find something different to do that does not involve shopping. It also helps that I feel like my fall/winter wardrobe is very complete and that I am looking forward to spring to keep the itch to shop for clothes at bay. I also have specific things I would like to add for summer and spring and will try my best to stick to those and try 2nd hand shopping first before buying retail. Another thing that helps is shopping my closet, coming up with new combinations and finding ways to wear things several ways and copying outfits. You will continue to see posts like that in the coming months. This Monday is 5 ways to wear velvet joggers. My last outfit copy post was this one! And sometimes copying one’s own outfit exactly can be fun too!

Exact copy of last year’s outfit!

What are some habits that you are working on? What helps you keep them up?

A bientôt!

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  • Joanne

    I found that I drink a lot more water now that I have my Yeti and bring it everywhere with me. I hate lukewarm water and this helps it stay nice and COLD all day. I also find that working out/ hiking/ etc. is more likely to happen when I have a friend doing things with me as I don’t want to let that person down by backing out. I’m trying to get a few different hiking plans lined up each week (which is totally dependent on the weather).

  • Ellie

    These are all such great habits to have and to keep! I’ve been doing really well with the “no clothes shopping”. Like you, I did buy a few things but things I felt I needed. My limited wardrobe challenge is helpful in this, because for every new piece that comes into my closet I will donate another piece (or two). And since I do love most of what I keep in my closet now, I rarely have the urge to buy something I don’t really need.
    But I need to get myself a water cup like yours, I am soooo bad at keeping up with my water consumption!!

    • mimifce

      I just filled mine up again and need to chug some down. We were in town all day today and I didn’t drink much.

    • mimifce

      I try not to have much junk food in the house but we do typically have ice cream which can lead to the bad habit of having dessert a little too often!

  • Marsha Banks

    I have been focusing on drinking more water, too. I have to have it cold so I’m back and forth to the freezer and then back and forth to the bathroom! I love that your outfit from last year is the same as the one this year!!

    • mimifce

      I am going to go back to eating more salads for lunch. I just need to vary my protein that I add to it so I don’t get hungry too soon.

  • Jodie Filogomo

    The social part of life is so important but it does take time. And for me, working out is so much easier with a partner. I know I could do it myself, but it’s just not as fun.
    I love the idea of copying your own outfits. I want to try that soon with a twist.

  • Mica - Away From The Blue

    These are good goals to aim for! I’m always trying to beat my record from the year before and see if I can shop less each year. i really want to shop more second hand this year too, so far so good, only bought a handful of things this month and nothing in January, and they were all opshop finds 🙂

    I find with water when I’m working if I have a water bottle by my desk I keep drinking it – and getting up to refill it gives me a break from the screen! Weekends and days with the kids is easy to keep up the water intake – when we are out it’s so hot you need to drink a lot to beat dehydration!

    Hope you’re having a great weekend. I spent a lot of time this weekend at playgrounds with the kids! 🙂

    • mimifce

      A great weekend so far! Double date with some friends, church, a picnic, a visit to the aquarium, some running! So much going on so this afternoon I am putting my feet up and relaxing.

  • Maureen

    These are great habits to work on and goals to have. I am on board with you in terms of shopping less. I don’t have a job that I go to every day and a lot of the times my family and I stay at home. That said, doesn’t make sense for me to have too many clothes and especially ones that I can’t really wear anywhere you know? Aside from that, I am working on keeping my weight lower. I am enjoying too many junk food and need to slow it down and I also wanted to add another play date on the calendar for my son. We already have one from last year but I wanted another so that my little guy can get out more and have more kid time. Plus, it also gets me out of the house whether I like it or not. Lol

    Maureen |

    • mimifce

      Yes, my youngest loves going on adventures and being around others so this is great for him: he is looking forward to pre k this fall so until then we are going to get together regularl with friends.