hikes,  travel

Morning Run Sunrise Beauty

One of my favorite things from my Saturday morning runs is when we are able to catch the sunrise. Some days in the winter, it is too dark other days, it is too cloudy. Most Saturdays though, we are rewarded on our runs with the beauty of God’s creation. Of course, getting to exercise is a reward too as well as spending time with my friends.

I think this might be my favorite picture: my friend took it by getting real low by the tall grass. It reminds me of the beach and the colors of the sunrise were absolutely gorgeous.

I am always amazed at how the sky can be painted with different colors. Reds, yellows, oranges, pinks, purples… just lovely.

Here are the remnants of the cotton field! In early fall though, we run earlier and miss the sunrise across the field. We managed to convince our friends that 6:30 was early enough on cold winter mornings. In the summer and fall we try to beat some of the heat by running at 6 am.

It sure is disappointing when it is cloudy and we are not rewarded with a pretty sunrise on our runs.

This picture was taken the same day as the two above but in the opposite direction. I was truly surprised at the colors in the West. It was an unexpected gift!

A bientôt!

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