outdoors,  travel

Soaking in Sunrises on the Beach

I had two goals for myself on this Thanksgiving trip to the beach: soak in as many sunrises as I could and make sure to move more. I was very grateful to fulfill both goals. The first 3 mornings were the best for admiring the sunrises as the cloud coverage was perfect. One morning, I couldn’t see anything while I slept in on another morning. I couldn’t believe I slept more than 10 hours that night!

One way to exercise on the beach is to take a walk: I definitely do not run on the beach, it is difficult enough for me to walk on the sand, so running is not an option. We rented bikes our last 3 days and rode on the bike trails on 30A. They are paved and apart for the busyness in certain areas, it was a great time. My son and I even rode 21 miles on Thanksgiving day.

I think this was my favorite morning! The pink hues were just glorious and they actually happened before the sun rose.

It was just wonderful to sit there with my coffee and enjoy the beautiful sight. I also like how the ocean looks from the sand dunes, the contrast with the sea oats and wildness.

A bientôt!

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