
Nativity Scene Collection

Three years ago, I shared my Nativity Scene collection with you on the blog (here). Since I added a few and some of my readers were not around 3 years ago, I decided to share them again today. I have added one each year I think. My dream Nativity is the Willow Tree one (the complete set is $299 on Amazon!) or one very similar like this one which is less than $200 (I can’t tell if it is a Willow Tree one). Until I buy one second hand though, I will continue to add to my collection. I still remember visiting a Nativity scene museum in Italy at Christmas in 2007 and how they were all different.

The one on the left is the clay one from Italy mentioned above and the one on the right was a gift from my husband a couple years ago. I actually had forgotten to put it out till after Christmas when I realized from reading my older post that it was not out.

The little Nativity scene is ceramic Santons de Noel from France. My best friend sent it to me a few years ago. The white wood Nativity scene I found at a local store last year.

A little Hobby Lobby find for under the tree from last year or the year before. My youngest enjoy playing around with the figurines.

A pretty ceramic one I found this year at the same local little store as the white wood one above. I really enjoy collecting these as you can tell.

This is one I made with my cricut machine several years ago and I put it on my mantle in my bedroom.

A bientôt!

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