Every story is unique! Today, Patricia is sharing her story! As an aside, Patricia and her husband put on a 5K this past January: the MLK Community run to support the MLK Celebration Bartow County scholarship funds as well as raise funds for their nephew’s healthcare. Putting on a race is a great accomplishment and there were more than 200 participants which is amazing for a first race. I loved the route and it got me back to wanting to race again.

1. How and when did you start running?
I started walk/running after losing my job back in, I think it was 2007. I have always been drawn to Dellinger park. I would take my kids to school every morning and one day I decided to get out and walk. I quickly realized that it made me feel better about myself and allowed me to think through my life and the next steps that I would take to get back on my feet again. I ran track in middle school but injured my back and just kind of stop all together.
2. What keeps you running?
The feeling of accomplishment and the satisfaction of knowing that I’m doing something good for my mind, body and soul. I’ve gained so many friends that continue to support me and make me want to continue along this journey.
3. Do you have any goals associated with your running?
I’d like a re-do of my first half marathon. I believe that I can improve on my time if I plan accordingly. I also have a crazy goal of wanting to run at least one marathon at some point. But I will have to say that my main goal is to just KEEP MOVING!
4. What do you like the best/least about running?
The overall feeling of knowing that I CAN.
5. share running story or adventure you’ve had (can be funny, a struggle, injury…)
The running story that stands out in my mind the most is my half marathon. I was steps away from the finish line and my whole body “locked” down on me! I had no idea what was happening at the time. So many people came to my aid in a flash. I felt like a race car that needed it’s tires replaced and gas tank refueled. They got me back on me feet long enough to run through that finish line! The running community is absolutely amazing!! Another story (funny) actually occurred at the same race as the half marathon but years earlier when I had signed up to run the 5k. It was my husband’s first race with me after years of just tagging along for support. I honestly never thought that he would beat me, not being his first race! But low and behold he did! I was so angry! LOL! I actually gained a PR that day because I was trying so hard to catch up to him! He has been running with me every since and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I believe it has made our marriage stronger and definitely more interesting!
THANK YOU MIREILLE!! This has been an honor and a lot of fun!! I’m so glad that we’re friends!!
A bientôt!
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Mike Matte
Thanks for sharing what a great story and people ❤️
Thanks for dropping a note, Mike!
Dede Howard Florence
Great story
I love that she runs with her husband. There’s an anatomical reason that men can run faster than women so it only makes sense that he beat her, LOL. But I would be the same way.
For sure, they are built differently.
Marsha Banks
I am really enjoying this series, Mireille! That’s amazing to have that many participants at a first race!
Yes, that was truly amazing!