Runners Spolight

Half Marathon Recap

I ran my 2nd half marathon on May 18th and wanted to share a few pictures and thoughts. This is the same half I did last year and while it was slightly cooler this year and it was overcast, it still was pretty humid. I really think that if I want to do another half, I will choose one earlier in the year next year.

I will say the medals were really cool this year, the middle circle part swings around. These are my two friends with whom I run fairly often. I also walk with Gretchen (in blue) several times a week. Having a friend to run with makes such a difference and this year, these two beat me!

Gretchen and I ran the first 10 miles together pacing ourselves (I know I started to fast last year) and I was fine for the first 9. We took advantage of each water station and Scott (whose running journey I share in this post) ran some with us.

At least I had some smiles in me this year. I was slower by a minute at the end as I just didn’t have it in me and I guess when I saw I would not beat my time, I decided to “give up” a little. I did put on a great show the last 50-100 feet, but did lose my biscuits (actually just water) at the end when I sat down after the finish line. My apologies to the person sitting next to me, it was not a pretty spectacle!

I recuperated really quickly and was fine except for some cramping in my foot and leg when I tried to sit again. I am happy I completed this run, but again as last year am rethinking the idea of this particular half marathon.

One of our friends Monica did not run it this year, so she cheered us on with her fun poster. I love my running friends!

My brother drove down to run too. He had not exercised in 5 months so he struggled, but he finished. I hope this will get him back to moving more. A change of job and position can sure make a difference in how much you move as my husband can attest to.

A bientôt!

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