budget,  outdoors,  travel

Tbilisi Botanical Gardens

This is our 3rd time going to the botanical gardens in Tbilisi. They are just a short steep walk up behind our hotel, and it was the perfect outing the morning following our arrival. The city had gotten a lot of rain the weeks prior to our trip, so there were a few areas where you couldn’t go because of some landslides, in particular the waterfall where everyone had dipped their toes the last time we were here. However, since we were taking our time, we discovered a few new areas we had never explored.

Since it was late May, early June, the roses were in bloom! We enjoyed them in multiple places during our visit. My oldest and I, as usual competed to see who took the best shots!

We both enjoy taking pictures and sharing them, so when we travel, it is always fun to look at each others pictures. And when you travel to a country full of history and pretty landscapes, it is double the fun!

One of the trails we had never explored took us past some bridges. The short suspension bridge was fun and reminded us of the large ones in Costa Rica. I love that this is right in the middle of old Tbilisi. The entrance to the botanical gardens is very inexpensive: it was 26 laris for our family which is less than 10 dollars.

We actually went up to the remnant of that old fortress on our last day: another little spot we had not explored before. One of the advantages of exploring a country and place you have visited before is that you are familiar with it and comfortable, so feel freer to explore more.

Isn’t that bench with the umbrella neat? The boys said it reminded them of Narnia and could be a portal to another world! This was a new addition in the last 6 years.

Another new addition in the landscape and not part of the gardens is this billionaire’s 100,000 square feet mansion that cost 50 millions to build. It is ridiculously large and made of glass. Some call it the glass castle. It was pretty cool to sit and observe as there are stairs next to the waterfall that get close.

Do you revisit places when on vacation to the same destination?

A bientôt!

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