outdoors,  travel

Mtatsminda Park and Funicular

The funicular from Chonkadze St to Mtatsminda Park is 501 meters long and gives you a pretty view of the city. The amusement park at the top offers fair type rides which you pay for individually (just a few laris each). The ride was 10 laris one way so we paid 20 laris each (the 6 year old was free). That came to 100 laris for the 5 of us (my husband hadn’t come back from church so this was an adventure on our own) which equals to $36 total.

The walk was about 30 minutes from the hotel and it was a pretty warm day. We had taken a taxi several years before but also walked back, so I knew it wasn’t too bad of a walk. There were definitely some hills to climb and it felt a little further than I remembered! The views going up the funicular are really pretty thought, and it was a fun Sunday afternoon adventure.

We didn’t want to spend much money on rides, so my 6 year old rode the bumper cars and my oldest rode the ferris wheel.

It was a little unnerving since it was only his 2nd time on a ferris wheel and some of the rides at the park didn’t look too modern. He did enjoy the experience and made it back down safely. The ferris wheel was very slow and they only put people in every 3 cars or so. We did wonder why…

We remembered the lion statue from our visit 7 years ago, so we had to take some pictures there, and I just thought the bee and hive ride was cute.

This fountain is right next to a beautiful spot for seeing the city. We felt bad having left my husband without ways of communicating so we didn’t stay too long before making our way back down and walk back to the hotel.

One of the things I noticed when we flew into the airport was how green the country of Georgia is and despite behind in the middle of the city here, there is still green to behold.

This was a fun photo op spot where you could pictures with Georgian food! We did not take a picture here, but it was a fun idea!

A bientôt!

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  • Joanne

    That sounds like a fun little outing! Ferris wheels, unless they are full and have a long like have to make sure to spread out the weight evenly spacing patrons every few cars so they don’t overload one area/side. The ride won’t run properly with an unblanced load– sort of like a washing machine with an agitator on the spin cycle will get off balance if the load isn’t properly spaced.

    • mimifce

      We have a Georgian friend we have known for 20 some years and she owns a hotel there. Our old church parish also had a lot of Georgian people: great food and really nice folks! My father in law still travels there a couple times a year when his health is ok. We finally traveled there 7 years ago and we fell in love with the country.

    • mimifce

      Funiculars and sky lifts to me are nice because they are enclosed. Now ski lifts… I probably would be a little scared.

  • Di

    What a beautiful lush city, and I have never seen a sky so blue! I hope you had a great vacation in Georgia, and brought home lots of fond memories. The funicular looks like a great way to see the city from above. Thanks for sharing your adventures and hope you have a nice weekend!

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