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Making Your Birthday Special

Some people don’t care to celebrate their birthday and don’t mind if it passes by without acknowledgment (at least I have heard people say that). I, for one enjoy making the day special, not in a grandiose way, but in a way that makes me feel like it is a special day. A year has passed, I am alive and well and I am looking forward to more years to come. So what are some simple ways I celebrate my birthday?

Before anything else, I would say, don’t wait on others to make your day special because some years you will be disappointed! So here are some things I do!

Birthday Cake

A couple of years ago, I made my own cake, I think last year, my husband got me one, but this year I ordered one from a local high schooler (she made my oldest his graduation cake). It is a little more expensive than the fancy cakes at Publix, but I had been wanting one of those lemon raspberry cake for a while and I am supporting a young entrepreneur.

Free Lunch

I usually see where I can get a free birthday lunch, usually that means Moe’s or Firehouse subs. Not having to prepare my lunch is a treat! This year, I ended up eating lunch at Whole Foods (a yummy salad), got a free Mini Bundt cake from Nothing Bundt cakes and we ate at a local Italian restaurant (won’t go back to that one because my food is better, but I didn’t have to cook and my meal was free).

Do something special

Some years, I’ve gotten a pedicure, last year, I went thrifting with my friend in Chattanooga. This year, I wanted to be thrifty so I just window shopped. Since my husband works out of town most weeks, it is a hit and miss whether he will be home for my birthday.

A little birthday spending

I will wait till October this year to spend my birthday money (my mother in law usually gifts me some money) since I am not shopping this month. I often times buy something a little pricier than I usually would spend depending if there is something that I have wanted for a while. I did get a few things at TJmaxx the day before my birthday, spending about $40.

I think that finding joy on your birthday is similar to finding joy in your everyday life: enjoy that morning coffee, that cool morning air, that book you can read instead of doing a chore… It doesn’t not have to be an extravagant occasion, but I think that celebrating another year given to us by God is worth remembering and rejoicing for!

A bientôt!

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