outdoors,  travel

Late Summer Sunrises

I do not have to travel far to enjoy pretty sunrises, I just have to time my runs just right! At the end of August, we had several runs that timed perfectly for some beautiful sunrises. It is sometimes disappointing when it is overly overcast or we pass the picturesque spots before the sun is up. So today, I am sharing 3 morning sunrises because they always bring a sense of wonder and awe to my soul.

This field often has cows grazing later in the day… I always enjoy the few large majestic trees in it and the wildness of weeds and bushes not being trimmed.

This was a morning when the sunrise was all the way at the end of our run, but I knew we could swing into this church’s parking lot for a pretty picture. I love how the sun rises being this cross!

I never use filters in my pictures, so I am always delighted if the colors show up as well in the picture as in real life. My friend was surprised at the composition of this picture: it looks like a country side road in Tuscany!

No 2 sunrise is alike: this is the same spot as the pictures above, but the colors are so pretty and contrasting with the added clouds. I am glad we took the time to stop and admire God’s beauty in creation!

And sometimes you run at 8 am and there is no sunrise especially if you are facing in the opposite direction!

A bientôt!

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