Runners Spolight

Runner’s Spotlight: JP

Today, my older brother is sharing a little bit about his running story. We have run 2 Big Peach half marathon here, but he did run the first one too, while I did the 5K (first pic). Sharing our running stories with each other has been a fun way to strengthen our sibling bond. The past few years have seen him run more and less than other years. JP served in the Air Force for 24 years, being stationed in multiple countries, England, Germany, Quatar, Afghanistan and South Korea among others. Our family has lived in multiple countries at times, and finally my parents, siblings and I all live in the same country.

1. When did you start running?

I started running in France after High School. When I got to College I started training Monday through Friday and started entering races.

2. What keeps you running?

I keep running to stay in shape. I started running Marathons a few years before I retired from the U.S. Air Force. After I ran my first marathon I was hooked. So far I have ran 33 full marathons and 44 half marathons.

3. Do you have goals associated with your running?

My current goal is to get to 100 half marathons.

4. What do you like best/least about running?

I like running in races because I am there with other people with similar goals and interests. There is a lot of camaraderie.

5. Share an interesting story about your running.

My first long race was in Montpellier, France, before I moved back to the States. I had entered a few 16km races and done well. This one was 20km. I finished in 1h18mn. I was 2nd in my age group and 100th out of 1000. I went on stage and received my prize,  and also had a short interview in front of the crowd. Hard to believe how fast I was running back then.

A bientôt!

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