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Rock Garden, Calhoun, GA, 2024

I wrote about this rock garden 5 years ago when we visited it for the first time. You can read more about the history of the garden in that post, here. Today, I am sharing the pictures we took this past October on our way back from Chattanooga on fall break. It is sometimes fun to revisit places when the children have grown: our youngest didn’t remember this place since he was less than two the first time we stopped at the garden.

For how old some of these structures are, the gardens and its miniature buildings are in really good shape. I really would like to go on a cool day when we are not in hurry to go home. On this particular day, it was fairly warm and because it was on a Saturday, there were definitely people around.

The garden is free to visit and is located on a church’s property. It is a little ways from the I75 exit, I would say about 10-15 minutes.

You can visit Notre Dame de Paris! The details are quite beautiful! Look at those little seashells!

An adult can walk inside the coliseum! Seeing all of these beautiful structures made me want to go home and collect small rocks to create some buildings of my own.

We visited a week after hurricane Milton and you could see in some places how high the water had gotten in the creek.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again: I am in awe of artists of all kinds who create beauty for others to enjoy. This place is really pretty and it is worth taking a detour to visit.

The way the path goes allows you to get close to each structure and it some places allows you to go inside some of them. Above by the creek is a great spot for pictures.

A bientôt!

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