
Insights from 2024

As I was writing a little fashion insight post for Instagram, I decided I could share my thoughts here on the blog as well as some insights about traveling and family that I would like to continue or do better in 2025. A lot of these are similar to some of the goals I shared last week in this post.

Fashion/Shopping Insights

  • I do not like visual clutter in my closet (and anywhere else really) and still like to reassess periodically whether I wear things in my closet. With many choices at the tip of my fingers, I do not keep pieces I “have to make myself” wear.
  • I have found a renewed love for thrifting after discovering an awesome thrift store in town. Here is to 2025 being a year where I strive to stay away from retail shops. I will be sharing how well I did at the end of each month.
  • I love to share ways to wear one pieces and to replicate outfits so I will continue to share those regularly on the blog.
  • I love colorful clothes but neutrals too!

Travel Insights

  • I love going on vacation, but especially abroad: it’s time to renew my efforts to save more and spend less and budget well.
  • Traveling light makes traveling easier
  • Creating my photobooks within a month of coming back from vacation ensures that I actually create those albums.
  • A solo trip a year is going to be a tradition!
  • Putting some money aside for vacations every month makes traveling less stressful

Family Insights

  • I love playing board games with the boys: it’s fun and create memories.
  • our family vacations are important to all of us and I want to continue to make those a priority.
  • not enough date nights in 2024: can 2025 be better?
  • getting up before the kids for at least 30 minutes allows me to be calmer when it is time for them to get ready for school. Walking or running every day is beneficial to my mental and physical health.

I really like taking stock of the year and thinking about the year ahead in December and January. This year, I am hoping to share a monthly post to share my struggles and progress.

A bientôt!

Please take a minute to subscribe to the blog to receive an email letting you know when a new post goes live. I usually post Monday, Wednesday and Friday but sometimes have a bonus post during the week. You can also follow me on Instagram




  • Marsha Banks

    I hate clutter, too, but my closet is a mess right now as it’s become the repository for everything from the bathroom I’m redoing. Even though I have lots of clothes, I keep order by hanging items by color, then style. That way, if I want a grey tee, I know exactly where to find it. My dresses are a little harder to categorize because they’re all so different. I really want to do a solo vacation this year, but, at this point, I really can’t leave Mike alone overnight. He also can’t take care of Jack when he needs to go outside…I could board him (Jack, not Mike) though.

    • mimifce

      That sounds like a great way to have it organized. I loosely do it that way too: I probably should do better with my dresses! Now that I am not taking care of my MIL I really want to continue that once a year solo weekend!

  • jodie

    It’s fabulous to analyze what makes you feel good and to make sure to continue those practices.
    I need to be better about this.

  • Cat

    Oh, you wouldn’t want to see my wardrobe. Sometimes I think most of the t-shirts (because that’s mostly what’s in there) are in there only for sentimental reasons, especially after I started working from home. I could really live with very few clothes!

    Good luck with your goals!


  • Leslie Susan Clingan

    Yay for getting up. I need to get back to that. I keep asking where has my day gone. Well, I used to get up with PC at 6:00 and had about 3 more hours to each day. Now that he is retired we are rolling out of bed at 9 am or later!! Ridiculous. We aren’t THAT tired!! I get so much more accomplished andmenjoy so me ME time when I get up earlier.

    I remember your maxi skirt and black top for travels. Absolutely LOVE that look. To me, that is YOU. And you look pretty darn good in the red sweater you shared above. I have to get serious about cleaning out the closet this winter. It is time. I don’t like clutter either but seem to be okay with closing my door on the clutter in there.

    Yay for game nights. Hoping to implement those here too. We are sick now…been flat on my back…but boy, my foot looks great!!

    • mimifce

      My oldest came home just for the afternoon/evening and we played one round of a game. It was fun. That skirt was perfect for traveling! All the colors in it make it versatile and the length is actually pretty practical.

  • Debbie-Dabble

    After I lost a bunch of weight, I have been able to fit into clothes that I have not worn in 20+ years but like I said, they are 20+ years old so I have been buying some new clothes…I stuck with basic, classic styles in choosing new clothes as I am retired and hope to wear them for quite some time…Thanks so much for your visits!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    • mimifce

      Thanks, Debbie! I think that finding clothes for your current lifestyle is important and things that you are comfortable with and will reach for. It sounds like it was time to update some things!

  • Grace

    I really enjoyed reading your insights, Mireille. The one about “packing light makes traveling easier” really resonated with me. I’ve been trying really hard recently to not overpack – it’s a work in progress but I’m getting better!

    Miles of smiles,

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