fashion,  Ways to wear,  winter

Thrifted Vest 2 Ways

When I thrifted this vest in December, it reminded me of a sweater/jacket that had a similar look that I wore it for many years. Just as this one, it was in a tan color which I found very versatile. With our weather here in Georgia, sometimes it is nice to have a layer that you can add to a light top/sweater to give you that extra warmth without overheating. I wanted to share two different looks: I have worn them both this past month.

Vest with Skirt

This outfit was inspired by one of Jodie’s looks: when she shared her outfit I thought of my skirt and bodysuit right away. At the time I did not have this vest, but had a long tan vest in my closet I was planning to wear. This was a very comfortable outfit: the sweater skirt was also thrifted (but a couple years ago) and is great for cooler winter days.

Vest with Jeans

This was definitely a look I will wear again and again by changing the shoes and the layer under the skirt. This is a fully thrifted outfit minus the shoes: vest, belt, shirt and jeans were all found at my favorite local thrift store (Park Ave Thrift) at different times. Actually the American Eagle jeans and vest, I found the same day in December. My earrings were a gift and I have had the snakeskin booties from Target for several years. I was reflecting on Target the other day and I do like the quality and comfort of their shoes, but I am finding myself less content with their clothing. I haven’t bought clothes there in  4 to 6 months.

I really love this outfit! It makes me happy to see that I am buying less retail and thrifting more, but also that I am thrifting less in general. I go once or twice a month and usually just purchase a few items.

Which of these outfits is your favorite?

A bientôt!

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