Runners Spolight

Runner’s Spotlight: Lari

I am so excited that Lari agreed to share her running journey with us! I’ve run with her quite a few times on our Tuesday night running club runs and am always amazed at her dedication to running. She is fast, she is consistent and in her early sixties is someone that I admire and hope to emulate. She loves trail running!

How and when did you start running:

I started running at age 14 to lose weight. I would run to visit my horse which was about a mile away from our house.

Prior to starting my running journey, I was a competitive swimmer on a City team in Huntsville, Al. My older brother also swam and would drive me to swim practice every morning. I enjoyed being part of a team and believe this helped build my love of fitness and exercise.

What keeps you running

I honestly just love running. I am someone who gets an endorphin surge and just feel free when I’m running. It crowds out some of the noise in my head.

Do you have goals associated with your running?

My goal right now is to get back to my favorite distance which is the Half Marathon. I’ve told some of you I have started physical therapy specifically for runners for a hip and low back issue. I am going to the Pyrenees Mountains in April and hope to be able to do a 10 mile trail run.

What do you like best/least about running?

There are so many things I love about running. I love that no matter where I am, I can go for a run and see things that I don’t get to see otherwise. I feel more in touch with my surroundings once I’ve experienced them while running.

My daughter starting running about 12 years ago and I Iove running with her. Time and distance fly by while we are catching up on the trail.

One of my favorite things over the past 6 years has been Wire2Wire and meeting all of you!

The thing I like least about running is that some people because of race or gender feel unsafe and actually are unsafe running by themselves. This is a complicated truth and I will just leave it at that.

Share a running story/adventure (funny, struggle)

We all find things when we run…. haha, I’m saving this for later.

I always carry mace with me when I run because there are some unfriendly dogs in my area. One day I had to use it for a dog that was chasing me and didn’t really think about which way the wind was blowing. I got enough mace in the direction of the dog, but also got a good dose in my eyes. Luckily the dog was deterred but I had to call my husband to pick me up because my eyes were burning so badly I could barely open them.

A bientôt!

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