Runners Spolight

Runner’s Spotlight: Marvin

I am always excited when one of the guys is willing to share his running journey for the blog and by extension to the rest of our running club since I usually link these posts on our running group text. I shared Patricia’s story last year in April here, and as a reminder, if you have missed any, you can always search them up under the runner’s spotlight tab on the blog. I love reading these because I learn so much about my friends! I thought that Marvin had been running for quite a while and I was surprised that he only had been running a couple more years than I have been. So here we go, Marvin! By the way, apart from working and running, Marvin coaches Little League baseball and is an amazing coach from what I hear!

1. How and when did you start running?

I started running around 2018 just trying to stay active, I had never considered running a 5K, but I would always take my wife to races and support her. On May 2019, I told my wife I was going to try and run and ran my first 5K the Duck Dash with her.

2. What keeps you running?

Running has strengthened my relationship with my wife, it gives us another opportunity to support and encourage one another. Maintaining physical activity is important to me, Running gives me clarity, peace and a sense of accomplishment.

3. Do you have goals associated with your running?

Finish the Peachtree under an hour is my current goal

4. What do you like best/least about running?

What I like best about running is the running community, my experience since joining the Wire2Wire run club has been amazing. True support and encouragement from everyone, it has truly been a blessing to meet some great people. I enjoy the competitive spirit in races.

What I like least about running, I would probably say after pushing myself in a race would be the aches and pains the day after.

5. Share a running story/adventure (can be funny, struggle..)

This was one of the Backpack buddies race, I was running at a good pace and after mile 2, I started noticing some bright colored shoes staying pretty close to me and forcing my pace a bit, In my mind I knew who this individual was and was determined that he wouldn’t beat me, I never looked towards the individual only glancing at the shoes. The final stretch I kicked down the hill and around the corner towards the finish line. After getting myself together I see Ken Reaves and tell him good race, I look down and it was his shoes I had been noticing the whole time. I thought it was someone else, we both laughed and I thanked him for pushing me. That is one I don’t think I will forget because of the competition.

Marvin and Patricia run 5K quite regularly, I am always amazed at their dedication as I have cut down my racing to one 5K, one 10K and one half marathon a year. They usually run at least one race a month and find some pretty fun ones. As I mentioned last year, they put on a local MLK 5K here and this year was another amazing one: it was very very cold, and people still turned out to show their support! It is the one 5K a year I run.

And to my running club members, I need more volunteers to showcase on my blog, so reach out! February was a great month for sharing running journeys.

A bientôt!

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