goal setting,  mom

February Happenings and Goals Update

It’s time for another little update on my goals and today’s update is a little summary of the month! I would call this a great friendship and family month! My goal was to be more sociable and spend some quality time with everyone, not just my running gals!

My friend Katie and I got together for lunch and a little home shopping: I found some floor pillows for our game room and she found a large basket for her blankets. I have known Katie since she was my student teacher, about 20 years ago!

Bought a side table for the reading corner of our game room, 2 floor pillows not pictured and we put up our living edge shelves (which still need to be sanded and stained). We also still need to find a poker table and chairs.

Hubby and I went on a  double date with some friends: I wore this hand me down dress and boots (from a friend and from my mom). We had a great time and shared lots of laughter.

We took the boys to a new soda fountain place in town (it was just okay), I took the 2 oldest bowling, we had a few evening of games (we love it when our oldest comes home for the weekend and plays poker or Carcassonne with us), we went to the movies and to the Lego store. Last week was our winter break and we just did some day outings.

I haven’t ran or walked every day as in January, but I did about 5 days a week. We have had a long run a week (9 to 11 miles) and I will be glad when the half marathon will be behind us so I can resume the 4 to 6 mile runs instead.

So I am pretty pleased with my February: I haven’t shopped for clothes at all since December 15! A few things I need to do that I haven’t: file our taxes and get 2 passports renewed!

A bientôt!

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