Berry Half Marathon Recap
Well, after a few months of training, my friends and I ran our half marathon a couple weeks ago. I thought I was ready to possibly beat my best time for a half from a couple years ago. We had run long distance for the past 6 weeks, some faster 4 miles run during the week and I felt in shape and ready.
I knew this was a different course with rolling hills, hills, gravel, but I thought that the cooler temperatures and having the right fuel would keep me going. However, as usual, by mile 9, I was ready to be done. Fueling wise, I definitely think that the honey stingers packs helped, and I only drank at every other water station so I was hydrated but not too much. We ran out first few miles at a faster pace which was great for giving us some leeway for a few slower miles.
However, at mile 9, I started slowing down and my friends pulled ahead. Then at mile 11, I either tripped or my leg gave out (I really don’t see what I would have tripped on, but I was having a little pain in my calf) and I ended up sprawled on the ground. My right hand got most of the scrapes, it wasn’t bad, but enough that my finger bled for a while. One lady helped me up, but after that, I was much slower and started walking and running instead of running 100%.
So, yes, my time was still decent at 2:14:49, but it was slower by 4 minutes than last year, and 6 minutes slower than the year before. I am proud for running the race and finishing, but yes, I am disappointed. I think I will try this race again this year (it was really cool to have about 15 members of our running club running it), and probably would make sure to train with more hills and actually do some 13 mile runs. I think our longest run was 11 miles in training.
I am thankful for my running buddies and I am very proud of them for being so fast! Maybe next year I can keep up! I will be volunteering at our local half marathon in May, after running that one two years, I have decided the May heat is not fun! The temperature on this Berry half marathon was pretty pleasant at 50 to 60 degrees.
Glad I ran this race and maybe I can improve on this time next year: at least if I only have to beat this time, my work is cut out for me: if I don’t fall, I should be a couple minutes faster, right?
A bientôt!
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That’s very impressive ! I’m sorry you fell, that part isn’t fun and I took a tumble on a walk last year. I bet you will do even better if you do the race again. How fun that members of your running club were part of the race too!
PS..thanks for stopping by. I still don’t have your email so I will answer here. A summer to trip to NY sounds so fun! Your boys will love it. Long Island is great too and a day in the city is a must! Enjoy!
Thanks, Heather!
Marsha Banks
I know you were trying to beat your time, but that’s very impressive you finished after a fall. Congratulations because you deserve it!
I am still talking about how unhappy I was with my time lol. It’s the only reason I am even considering doing the local one in May which is always so hot and that I keep saying I won’t do again.
Melody Jacob
A tough race, but finishing strong despite a fall is something to be proud of. The rolling hills and gravel sound challenging, but it’s great that you’re already thinking about how to improve for next time. Running with a supportive group always makes a difference.
I wouldn’t run if it weren’t for my running club and the friends I have made through the club.
So sorry to hear you took a tumble; but all things considered you did really well. Best of luck with your training for the next one.
Thanks, Joanne! If I end up doing my local one in May, I am a glutton for punishment, lol!
So sorry about your fall! But I am proud of you for running!
Thanks, Jennifer! It’s been a fun adventure the past few years!
jodie filogomo
Wow. It’s incredible that you carry on, even after you fall…. I guess that’s kind of a life lesson??
I didn’t hurt bad, just some scrapes and blood lol!