goal setting,  mom

Goal Setting: Spring Bucket List

Since my goal list for financial budgeting and family  time (date night a month and weekly game night) is very similar to the one I shared in January for the 1st quarter of the year, this spring I am sharing a bucket list! Yesterday, I shared how well I did on my goals.

  • start having morning coffee on the porch
  • eat lunch outside on sunny days
  • plant zinnias and creeping Phlox (2 different spots)
  • run 4 mile Mother’s Day race with my Sunrise Crew and Lunch
  • decide whether to run half marathon
  • plan lunch and family lunch for mom’s 80th birthday
  • go on our vacations (booked for April and June)
  • save some money for vacations
  • thrift no more than twice a month
  • arm and ab workout twice a week
  • continue to walk and run 4-5 times weekly

With the end of school approaching, I am not planning anything extra on my calendar, but I sure am looking forward our family vacations! My summer goals and bucket list will be a lot more interesting!

Here’s another link up if you want to share some spring goals!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

 A bientôt!

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  • Leslie Susan Clingan

    You and I are both in saving mode. Good for us. I need to get my Social Security application submitted and apply that little windfall to my Amazon card!! PRONTO.

    Love the breakfast and lunches you hope to enjoy outdoors. I need to up my arm and abs game, too. I have these 5-7 minute videos to do and still don’t find 5-7 minutes in my days to do them!! Now that is a shame.

    Hope you Mother’s Day run is a good time and you can make some wonderful memories while celebrating your mom’s birthday. I am so thankful for the memories I have of celebrating my mom’s 95th bday just a few months before her death.

    Will be cheering you on this spring, my friend. XO

    • mimifce

      I probably will wait till the crazy pollen calms down a little for the lunches. Record high this weekend, yellow dust is everywhere! I know exactly how you feel about those videos: I need to get serious and get to it.

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