outdoors,  travel

Atlanta Botanical Gardens: My Walking Tour

I really enjoyed taking pictures on our last visit to the Atlanta Botanical gardens so today I am sharing some of our favorites from our own little walking tour. We have visited enough times that we do not feel the need to visit each nook and knowing we have a membership allows us to not feel any rush while we are there.


This large building houses the rainforest sections, the desert section as well as the orchid house. There are also a couple more areas in here including an educational wing. It is nice to have an area that is protected against the elements if it is hot or if a sudden rain shower appears.

Here is another view from the side which is newer. This was the first time I walked down here and I love the outdoors cacti.

There are permanent pieces from the Chihuly exhbit and this is one I had not noticed before. I love it!

The Water Lilies or in French: Nenuphars!

I love water lilies (nenuphar in French) and these are some gorgeous ones. The boys love to search for camouflage fronts in this rectangular pond in front of the above building.

We spent some time out here searching for the frogs and waiting for the rest of the family. I was impressed that the dragonfly below let me take a picture of him!

When you visit a place you have been to before, do you choose to do your own walking tour and focus on key sections or do you try to visit it all? I enjoy focusing on certain spots so as not to feel pressed for time and overwhelmed. I hope you enjoyed this Atlanta Botanical Gardens walking tour and that you will come back on Friday to see me style my birthday dress on our visit.

A bientรดt!

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