outdoors,  travel

Costa Rica: the Animal Life

One of the main reason I wanted to take the boys on a trip to Costa Rica was because of the wonderful wildlife. We knew from staying in Tulemar Resort last year, that there would be opportunity to see animals on the property and in the trees and from the ride there, that there would be animals to see from the road too. We’ve always enjoyed visiting zoo but seeing animals free, in the wild in their own environment is just amazing.

On the way south to Quepos and the Manuel Antonio National Park (where these pictures are from), we saw some crocodiles, many macaws and hermit crabs. On the resort property, there are agouti (a medium size rodent), large quail, howler and capuchin monkeys.


Booking a tour with a guide at the National Park ensures that you will see all kinds of creatures you would not notice without their expert eye (and telescope in some instances). Once we knew where to look for these little crabs and the one below, we saw many others.

The large iguanas were easy to spot along the path but the large red one was at the top of a tree!

This one snake is one you want to stay away from: it is very venomous and if a bit is not treated quickly (within an hour or two), you may die! It’s a Fer de Lance. He is brown and blends in with his surroundings.

Now the capuchin monkeys seem cute but after learning about them and their behaviors, I do not find them so cute any more. They can become quite aggresive and are omnivores. We kept our distances (they are quite used to humans by the beach area at the park where people should not have any food but some do) and took some pictures.

We really enjoyed our visit to Manuel Antonio National Park: I definitely do recommend the outing with a guide. The beach there was quite beautiful and I will share pictures from that part of the park in a later post.

I will leave you with a picture of this fuzz ball, a sloth! We were able to spot two on our tour. The guides communicate through a WhatsApp group to let each other know where to find different animals so everyone has a great experience.

A bientôt!

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