Runners Spolight

Runner’s Spotlight: Beth

What Beth forgot to mention is that she gets up and run bright and early several times a week to run with a friend: is 4:30 early? Yes, it is and it takes dedication to get up to run that early. I tried it a couple years ago with my 2 friends and I made it a few times before deciding that I would rather sleep. Beth was also training for a half marathon and steadily increased her mileage. She completed the half couple of weeks ago.

How and when did you start running?

I started running when my husband John signed us up for a 12 mile Tough Mudder back in 2014. I started running regularly when our girls needed to stay in shape between soccer seasons and we ran as a family. When schedules prevented me from going to my regular gym, I found out awesome ladies running group, and the rest is history!

What keeps you running?

I run in large part because of the amazing community with my friends and Wire2Wire. Also because both our girls run XC and I love the sport!! Plus, John and I want to hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon in the near future so I have to stay in shape!!

Do you have any goals associated with your running?

I just want to stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible and have fun doing it!

What do you like the best/least about running?

I love running with friends and the feeling of accomplishment after running.

Share running story or adventure you’ve had (can be funny, a struggle, injury…)

I have had 3 surgeries in my right knee, most recently last year. My running friends played a large part in my recovery and were always patient and encouraging!!
Thank you, Beth for sharing your journey!

A bientôt!

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