food,  travel

Making Kinkhali: Georgian Dumpling

Our friend Mari, who own the hotel we stayed at (Hotel Gomi 19 in Old Tblisi) hosts master cooking classes for groups. She offered to teach us how to make a Georgian dumpling called kinkhali since she knew our boys had really enjoyed them on our past two visits. The table was arranged and ready in the dining area for us to create them, the dough having already been prepared.

The feeling can be potatoes and onions, a mix of ground beef and pork (in our case), mushrooms… they are very similar to pirogis but differ in their shape.

The dough is rolled out, cut into circles (you can use a glass) and then rolled out again.

Then comes the hard part, shaping the dough around your meat as a purse. You are supposed to make 18 folds, but the most I could do was about 12. The shape of my kinkhali did improve with practice.

Here are some close-ups of some of the kinkhalis. Once you have enough, you boil them for a few minutes in batches. We met the author of the cookbook Tasting Georgia on our prior trip and she gave me a copy of her recipe book. Two of my boys made the recipe for kinkhalis and I will say they tasted very similar to these: it is a great cookbook with lots of information about wine and all of the regions in Georgia.

We enjoyed our kinkhalis with a salad, fruit compote juice and a few other things. It made quite a few, so there were leftovers for a couple of days!

This was a fun experience and I was happy that both my son and my husband enjoyed it. The rest of the boys were probably suffering from jetlag and were not interested in participating.

A bientôt!

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