Runners Spolight

Runner’s Spotlight: Amber

Amber is one of those runners that you aspire to be. She is quick, she is competitive, but she is also sweet and while having her hands full with work and being a single mom of 4, she shows dedication in everything she does. Amber recently injured her knee but was quickly back on her feet after surgery and rest, and is back stronger than ever! She is again faster than me!

1.When did you start running? And why do you run?

I started running in 4th grade. We had this project to build for our school and it was a trail. My teacher at the time was big into running and swimming, she is the one that got me into running. When I got to middle school, I did band so I couldn’t run. 8th grade came around and I had to take PE: I outdid most and was one of the top ones. I was asked to join the high school track team. So I did and ended up running varsity 800, 1600 and 3200. The following years I ran cross country, played soccer, track and band. I ran all four years with a bum knee from dislocating, but I loved running and wanted to run.

All of this was an outlet for me, so I wouldn’t have to be home. Some know my upbringing wasn’t the best. I battled with depression and trying to avoid the addiction that was going on in my family along with being told I was nothing and would never amount to anything from others. Once I was married and had kids, I found myself trapped again, but this time I didn’t have an outlet as I wasn’t allowed to leave the house. Fast forward 10 years, I got a divorce and had to find myself again.

My oldest started cross country and I knew that was a sign, and I started to get back to running. It was hard and I gave up because my mind was somewhere else. Once I got my boys full time, that’s when running was on the list of things to do. I started coaching again. My goal when I got a divorce was to run a half marathon: I finally did that 5 years ago. Then I decided a year ago I was going to run a marathon. Before my 41st birthday, I did!!

2. Do you have a goal associated with running?

Next goal was to run the Peachtree 10K race in Atlanta (July 4) under 48 mins (the course is hilly and it is very hot and humid in Atlanta in July), but that isn’t happening this year: knee surgery has set me back.

3. What keeps me running is you guys, my wire2wire family and to stay healthy and fit.

4. Dislikes about running?

Running in the summer 🤣🤣. The best part about it is all the friends/family I have made and the support system I have from it.

I have to agree with Amber, the friendships we have made through running have been a great support for each and everyone of us! At some point, one of us has struggle with something and everyone is there to give a helping hand whether it is to bring a meal, offer to babysit, give a ride or just lend a listening ear.

A bientôt!

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