budget,  outdoors,  travel

Batumi Boulevard: A fun walk

Our hotel, the Hilton Batumi was in the perfect location to enjoy both the Black Sea and to take leisurely walks along Batumi Boulevard. The boulevard is a multi purpose pathway along the sea and is bordered on the other side by different hotels and restaurants. There are several paths so that bikes, scooters and such can have a pathway separate from walkers. There are also many trees bordering sections of the boulevard.

Our hotel was very near the octopus structure where children and adults enjoyed roller skating. It is such a picturesque spot! It also offers a little bit of shade.

We stayed 3 nights in Batumi and we walked along the boardwalk every day. We enjoyed the sunset as well as the ice cream! I love how cheap and tasty the ice cream is in Georgia! That cone was 70c!

There are many hotels along the boulevard and the structures are mostly modern and quite interesting to see. There is still a lot of construction and projects coming along.

I felt safe walking with my family even at night, but my husband felt a little less comfortable here than in Tbilisi at night. I think it might be because this is a border town, as well as quite touristy is this spot.

While in Batumi, we ate 2 meals a day: a large breakfast at the hotel and a late late dinner. That is one way to keep expenses down. We did eat dinner at the hotel that first night and it was quite good. The boys enjoyed it because you could choose either Georgian or American fare. This is the view from the rooftop hotel.

Another thing that is really interesting in Batumi (apart from how people drive) is the contrast between all of the new, modern buildings and the apartment buildings where you have clothes, and sheets hanging to dry outside the windows. Some of the older large buildings have lost some of their grandeur as the paint has discolored.

Those buildings are about one street removed from the boulevard so you cannot see them in these pictures.

Would I visit Batumi again on a future trip to Georgia? I am not sure. I am glad we visited and this was the most relaxing part of our trip as we enjoyed the sea, some walks and visited several fortresses. But the city itself, I probably would not visit again. Yet, I do think it is worth the drive from Tbilisi to see this part of Georgia. As you will see in a few upcoming posts, there is a lot to do in the area.

A bientôt!

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    • mimifce

      Yes! The nice thing is that we walked so much on that trip that we could enjoy in the ice cream. We truly were able to relax more in Batumi as we were less on the go trying to see everything and enjoyed those sunsets and that water!

  • Joanne

    I love that there are separate paths for bikers/whelled things and walkers! There is so much neat architecure around too.

  • Bojana Krienke

    I am being honest, I had to look this place up because it looked so awesome from your ptictures and your post. It sounds like a pretty neat mix of old and modern which I always enjoy and I love the idea of rollerskating around that part with the octopus sculptures. However, I do appreciate your honestly in saying that you aren’t sure that you would go back. There are so many places to visit and explore it is nice to have honest opinions. I felt that way about Milan in Italy. Is it nice. Yes, but I would have traded it for a different city like Venice or Florance.


    • mimifce

      It’s funny because I have a few more posts about it about the botanical gardens… and I really liked everything we did there. Maybe what I would do if I were in the area again is not stay in the city but outside of it and visit the sea from more the countryside? I definitely think going once was worth it but not returning to it on a next trip, I guess.

  • Penny

    There are some really amazing photographs here. And what an insight into Georgia which is a place we read about in our newpapers, but know very little about, this is just such an eyeopener. They say travel broadens the mind but I think blogs do too. Long may you travel, and to Georgia, and it’s wonderful you bringing your young family with you. So very interesting. Great post.

    • mimifce

      It’s our third time visiting and it is very interesting how the media portrays the country. Not exactly how it is in reality.

  • Bettie Gilbert

    I have a dear friend who visited Georgia a few years ago. It looked so beautiful in her photos, and now in yours too. I’m glad I’m your neighbor over at the Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot!

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