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Republic of Georgia: Last Thoughts from our Trip

Today is the last post chronicling this summer’s two week vacation to Georgia. We were able to visit two areas during our visit, the capital, Tbilisi, as well as the sea port of Batumi. We ate and walked and spent time with our friends. We shopped and ate some more, and really enjoyed what this beautiful country has to offer. This was our 3rd visit (the first two being 7 and 6 years ago), so we knew what to expect, but still were able to visit new parts of the city and country.

One thing we had not done before was go to one of the flea markets. There were some really fun things and I joked with my oldest that some things we saw could make his dorm quite an interesting one: wine horns, swords, gas mask from WW2 and all kinds of paintings. Jokes aside, he did choose a nice small painting for his dorm room.

I saw some silverware that was really neat and some jewelry, but I only left with a scarf. It is spun from sheep’s wool and is very pretty. You saw it in the Ageless post here.

We bought some souvenirs for the boys and for friends at church and bought a Turkish carpet for church on our walk back to the hotel. I wish we had gone earlier in the trip and then come back, so we would have more time to decide what we wanted to get.

Night Views

We took the sky lift a couple of times, one of them being at night. It gives you some beautiful views of the city. I love how it is lit up at night. Our hotel was very near it so we were able to walk back down one of the stairways even if it was a little dark.

These pictures are a little blurry as I took them from the sky lift. It starts at a park across the river and goes all of the way to the top of Old Tbilisi. It is just a few minutes long, but the aerial view is worth it.


Even though we had spent several weeks in the past visiting Tbilisi, we still discovered some little gems when wandering the streets. I don’t think the locks on the bridge were there before. There were 2 bridges with them.

I was ready to come home by the end of our two weeks, but I am glad that was how long our trip was. Since it takes us about 24 hours of traveling to get there (saving money on flight means taking flights with longer layovers usually), and the time difference is 8 hours, you really have to take into account jetlag.

Even though I didn’t realize it, I think the jetlag affected me more than I thought that first week. Between having some stomach issues (I think all of the stress from the last month of school caught to me) and lack of sleep and having to be very patient with my family who wasn’t ready to go and explore when I was, I was a little cranky!

A bientôt!

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