Goal Setting Recap Quarter 1
I am happy to say that I feel pretty good about the first part of 2025! For this recap, I will go down the list that I put together in a blog post at the beginning of January to see what I did accomplish and stick to.
I did post 3 times a week on the blog and posted my OOTD in stories most days during the week. However, I did not stick to my plan of sharing budget deals and groceries on IG: I think I only did that the first month and a half. I also did not share free things to do in Atlanta on the blog.
After a fun thrifting and lunch outing with my friend Rachel
I really didn’t do well on any of those goals: I have been on a tutoring hiatus because my student has been busy with tennis competitions and school. I still used Amazon and my credit card more than I wanted to. I don’t think I want to substitute next year, so I scratch that from my plans. My mom had a health scare this month, so I am going to start going to more of her doctors appointments. She is doing better now that we have figured out a few things. While I didn’t overspend per se, I could have spent less.
- Game night happened at least once a week and hubby and I went on a date once a month!
- I got together with friends each month and went thrifting twice this month.
- I went on a hike once with my two oldest.
- The game room has seen progress, but we still need to get a game table and chairs. The boys and I spend a lot of time in that room and right now, we play on the floor.
- I have been walking or running most days.
- I ran a half marathon and a 5K this quarter.
- I have not done more than a couple ab and arm workouts.
- Sugars have been more limited but there are many more improvements to be made.
Bucket List Items
- I did plan and book our spring break, NY and Arizona (that one is me solo) vacations.
- Taxes have been filed
- Passports have been applied for the 2 that needed to be renewed.
A bientĂ´t!
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Kathrine Eldridge
I think you did some amazing things here! I admire your consistency on IG.
I try! This was a good quarter, but it was down to the wire and finishing a few things on Monday lol!
You did great on your goals!
Thanks, Joanne!
Marsha Banks
You really aced the IG goals, I think. I should make that one because I’m notoriously bad about it. Your date nights sound really nice.
IG: I need to improve in doing more stories and ones of value lol!
leslie clingan
I think you did a great job on most of your activities. I don’t think there was anything you just didn’t do at all. Glad you have your mom’s health figured out. For now. I’m with you on the subbing. I will probably renew my sub application just so I have the option to sub. But it’s getting harder and harder to do. I have two sub jobs next week that the earnings must go toward my Amazon card!
Good job on the game nights and date nights. Looking forward to seeing how you put together the game room.
I don’t know how you managed to get three blog posts and IG posts done so frequently. I need to up my game. Proud of all your accomplishments! Anxious to see what you come up for spring
I write and take pictures when the inspiration strikes so usually I am about a month ahead, at least with the fashion posts. So there are weeks where I don’t have to write anything, I just go back and edit a little.
There’s always room for improvement in our life, but I think you do a great job. Just keeping track of these things is a huge brava!!
It is kind of nice to do it: makes me feel like I accomplished something.
I think you did great on your goals!!
Thanks, Jennifer!
I think there is always room for improvement because no one manages everything – unless their list is very short.
To me it sounds like you did great 🙂
Yes, there’s always room for improvement!