
Happy Birthday to Me! Shopping other’s closets!

Happy 45th birthday to me! For my birthday this year, I decided to shop some fellow bloggers’ closets/shops for my last shopping hurrah and birthday presents to myself (this was in August). I decided to choose things a little outside of my comfort zone and fill in a couple empty spots in my closet. I first stopped by Michelle’s My Bijou Life’s etsy shop. I chose a purple and silver necklace large statement necklace. I also bought 3 tops from Andrea’s (of Living on Cloud Nine) Instagram closet sale. The tops were peplum style which I had never tried and the one featured today is a pretty Free People boho style blouse.

I paired the blouse with my favorite jeans (Wit and Wisdom Ab Solution), a pair of open toe booties I found at Payless several years ago and a pair of earrings that were a gift with purchase. I would wear this on a date with my husband which I will when it cools off a little more. I really like how the outfit turned out.

I really like being 45! My 40s have been great years so far. There has been some struggles, some learning but I think that I have matured and grown as a person. I am more confident than I was in my 20s and early 30s.

Being a mom of 4, having been married for 18 years, having taught in the classroom and having been a stay at home mom for the past 10 years has given me a variety of experiences and teaching/learning moments. I have made mistakes and hopefully learned from most of them. I am definitely a work in progress and still have many areas that I need to grow in. Learning to be patient is a constant struggle and I sure need to be more empathetic and less judgemental.

As far as fashion style, I typically love what I wear and this year I really created a closet full of items I love by shopping, donating and probably not being thrifty as I should have been (therefore the stop on shopping for the rest of the year). While we didn’t travel much this year, we have still been able to plan some time away and the past few years have definitely renewed my love for Europe. Until we can plan a trip back, we will enjoy what the South has to offer. We are planning a weekend trip to Charleston in October and are going to the beach for Thanskgiving.

The necklace I paired with an Amazon top (I love how soft this is and the sleeves are really fun), an Amazon pair of Daily Ritual grey skinny jeans and my tan wedge sneakers. These are some of my favorite pairs of shoes to wear in the fall before I am ready to wear my booties. I really like the combination of grey and tan. A little unexpected but works well!

What are my hopes for this coming year? I would love to grow in my prayer life and be more consistent in that area of my life. While I have developed a great routine for exercise, I am lacking that consistency in takign the time to pray at the beginning of my day and taking time to read the word of God. I hope that we can plan a trip abroad for 2021 or at least 2022 if countries don’t open up and want to continue to plan frequent and regular dates with my hubby.

I sure hope I can stick to my no shopping goal until the end of the year. Not sure if I have the strength and self control! I hope to be an example to others and inspire others to shop their closet, be creative and indulge here and there.

Isn’t the necklace gorgeous! Michelle is very talented and has different styles of pendants, necklances and bracelets in her shop. She is always learning new techniques and share her creations on her blog too.

A bientรดt!

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  • Kimberly F Malkiewicz

    Happy (belated) birthday, Mireille! I know you shopped more than usual, but your purchases have been well thought out. My ever lovin’ Boho heart adores the top you got from Andrea. Michelle is so talented, the necklace you selected should accent so well with a lot of things. You’re looking good–best of luck with your goals!

    • mimifce

      Today is actually the day: thank you! I have a plan in mind for next year purchases: will give myself a small clothes allowance of 25-30 a month and will be doing more thrifting if I want to make more than one purchase a month or have to wait a couple of months if it is more than my monthly allowance.

  • Michelle

    Happy Birthday! Mireille, if you lived nearby, Iโ€™d have you model all my jewelry pieces! I love the way necklace looks on you and the outfit you chose to wear with it. Fabulous! Thanks for giving my shop such a nice shout out!

    The top you purchased from Andrea looks fantastic on you. Another style to add to your repertoire!

    One thing the young do not know about aging is the sense of confidence that grows. I remember being about 35 when I became aware that my struggles were lessening. Iโ€™m 57 and in that regard every year has been better.


    • mimifce

      Thank you! I am looking forward to wearing it with different things. I think it will look great with that black maxi dress from yesterday’s post too!

  • jodie filogomo

    Happiest of birthdays Mireille!!
    I think it’s SO fabulous that you are trying other styles this way. I feel like that part of blogging has made life so freeing and fun!!

  • Mica

    You got such cute pieces! That floral blouse is lovely and I really like the statement necklace!

    It’s nice you have some travels coming up ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good luck with your no shop goal for the rest of the year too! I bought a couple things this month but I hadn’t bought much for a while so I feel justified, haha!

    Hope you are having a good weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

    • mimifce

      Yes, looking forward to a fun little trip. I am looking forward to some different outfits: my neighnor gave me some things that will be perfect for fall too.

  • Shelbee on the Edge

    Mireille, I hope you had the most wonderful birthday! I have been thoroughly enjoying my 40’s as well. There is so much to be said for the wisdom of the years! I am loving both of these outfits. That Free People tunic is so great! I would wear that in a heartbeat. And how pretty is that necklace from Michelle’s shop. I have my eye on a few of her things, I just need to decide what I want to buy! Thanks for linking up with me.


  • Grace

    Happy late birthday Mireille! I hope you had the best day. I really like the fun boho top you got, and the purple necklace is really pretty and unique. I am confident you’ll be able to not shop the rest of the year – you’re so good about that stuff! And I love to hear that you’re more confident in your 40s than you were in your 20s and 30s. It gives me hope I guess that things only get better from here. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Miles of smiles,

    • mimifce

      It really does get better! I was never confident in my teens and twenties: I always ha and friends but I think with maturity and experience as well as the life struggles and the fun stuff comes the realization that others don’t make you happy and confident. That comes from God and from yourself. As far as shopping, so far so good: almost 30 days in. I will allow myself to get stuff with gift cards if any come my way, and one will in the form of my CC points (am close to the $50 redemption).