
My Love for Sunflowers

My love from sunflowers comes from growing up in the south of France and the occasional trips to the Provence region where sunflower fields and lavender fields greet you! Of course there are fields in other parts of the south of France (we lived in the Languedoc Roussillon) and we would come accross fields there too.

I remember going to camp in the summer and going into the fields and eating the seeds right off of a sunflower.

For the past two years, I have planted sunflowers in front of our house in our little 2 ft by 8 ft raised bed as well as in the one in front of our kitchen. The mammoth ones do the best but some of the orange colored ones have done well too.

The bumblebees love them as well as the yellow finch who love to pluck them, one petal at a time.

This is such an easy and inexpensive way to bring France to my door step. Some sun, dirt and water is all they need and while I started watering them at the beginning my mother in law took over that duty.

I think that sunflowers are one of the reasons I love the color yellow so much. A lot of our likes and dislikes in life are associated with experiences and memories.

Even without a green thumb, I can take care of sunflowers and they are a joy to me! What is your favorite flower?

A bientôt!

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