Runners Spolight

  • Runners Spolight

    Runner’s Spotlight: Carrie

    Carrie is another of my blogger friends who lives in the St. Louis area. I have been following her blog (Curly Crafty Mom) for a number of years and we both just sent our oldest to college. She has shared some posts about her running so I knew I wanted her to share her running story with us too! 1. How and when did you start running? I started running in 2008 after the birth of my daughter. A few other moms I knew that were looking to lose the baby weight were doing a 500 miles goal in one year and I decided to join them. I started out…

  • Runners Spolight

    Runner’s Spotlight: Bo

    A few of my blogging friends are runners, and I will be sharing some of their stories in the next few months. Bo lives in Canada and during the winter months shares beautiful pictures of snow (we in the South would love to see snow more than once every 6-7 years), shares her fashion as well as her adventures in life which include a lot of outdoors time. Today, she is sharing her running journey. 1. How and when did you start running? That’s a great question that made me think way back.  I initially became interested in running while in University and nannying for a woman that I became…

  • Runners Spolight

    Runner’s Spotlight: Amber

    Amber is one of those runners that you aspire to be. She is quick, she is competitive, but she is also sweet and while having her hands full with work and being a single mom of 4, she shows dedication in everything she does. Amber recently injured her knee but was quickly back on her feet after surgery and rest, and is back stronger than ever! She is again faster than me! 1.When did you start running? And why do you run? I started running in 4th grade. We had this project to build for our school and it was a trail. My teacher at the time was big into…

  • Runners Spolight

    Runner’s Spotlight: Beth

    What Beth forgot to mention is that she gets up and run bright and early several times a week to run with a friend: is 4:30 early? Yes, it is and it takes dedication to get up to run that early. I tried it a couple years ago with my 2 friends and I made it a few times before deciding that I would rather sleep. Beth was also training for a half marathon and steadily increased her mileage. She completed the half couple of weeks ago. How and when did you start running? I started running when my husband John signed us up for a 12 mile Tough Mudder…

  • Runners Spolight

    Half Marathon Recap

    I ran my 2nd half marathon on May 18th and wanted to share a few pictures and thoughts. This is the same half I did last year and while it was slightly cooler this year and it was overcast, it still was pretty humid. I really think that if I want to do another half, I will choose one earlier in the year next year. I will say the medals were really cool this year, the middle circle part swings around. These are my two friends with whom I run fairly often. I also walk with Gretchen (in blue) several times a week. Having a friend to run with makes…

  • Runners Spolight

    Runner’s Spotlight: Me

    I have definitely talked some about my running journey, but since I have share some of my running friends’ journey in a special format the past few months, I decided I would a turn sharing mine in the same manner. Running is definitely part of my weekly routine and an important part of my life as it makes a positive impact on my health, mental and physical. When and How Did You Start Running? It will be 3 years this summer. Before then I walked and hiked regularly, but did not run. That one summer in 2021, I had enrolled my son in a local running camp and the coach…

  • Runners Spolight

    Runner’s Spotlight: Monica

    Meet Monica! Monica and I have really enjoyed running together this past year. We realized both of our boys were senior together on one of our runs and then discovered many more things we had in common. We both are caretakers for parents with some health struggles and enjoy running as a stress relief. Monica is fun and has a great attitude about life. How and When did you start running?  I have always been an active person. Some of my favorite outdoor activities have been paddle boarding, mountain biking, and hiking. After my kids grew up and were able to drive, I needed to find a new hobby for…

  • Runners Spolight

    Runner’s Spotlight: Patricia

    Every story is unique! Today, Patricia is sharing her story! As an aside, Patricia and her husband put on a 5K this past January: the MLK Community run to support the MLK Celebration Bartow County scholarship funds as well as raise funds for their nephew’s healthcare. Putting on a race is a great accomplishment and there were more than 200 participants which is amazing for a first race. I loved the route and it got me back to wanting to race again. 1. How and when did you start running? I started walk/running after losing my job back in, I think it was 2007. I have always been drawn to…

  • Runners Spolight,  Uncategorized

    Runner’s Spotlight: Scott

    All of the runners in our running club have unique stories! When Scott shared his story with our group a few weeks ago, I asked his permission to share his story here as it touched my heart. It reminded me how we all have different reasons we run, and how running has become an integral part of our journey. Not just our journey in our physical health, but mental health too. This is what he shared with us, and it tried to only edit it minimally. Scott’s Story So, when David brought up speaking to you, I was at a loss of what I could tell you guys, as you…

  • Runners Spolight,  Uncategorized

    Runner’s Spotlight: Angi

    Welcome to my new bi-weekly series where I will be sharing some of my friends’ experiences with running. Running has been an integral part of my weekly routine for the past 3 years, so I am excited to share it with you. Welcome to Angi who is in her late 40s and a mom of 2. How and when did you start running? I developed a love for running in elementary school. I was always the fastest girl in my class and only came in second to my good friend Chris Harmon.  I started officially running on my Junior High cross country team and then ran cross country and track…