budgeting,  mom

Don’t break the bank at Christmas!

As the holidays approach, you should start thinking about your plans for the holidays whether it is food or gifts. Some families end up stressing out at Christmas or in its aftermath because of how the cost (emotional or financial) affects their family. I think we should all remember first that Christmas is first about the birth of Christ and that gifts are just a tradition that most of us follow. There should not be excess involved in food nor expenses. You are not going to fully enjoy something if you have a large cost associated with it or if you cannot afford it (whether is is putting on a splendid meal to impress the family or large gifts that your children may or may not fully appreciate).

Today I am sharing how we prepare for gift giving at Christmas in our family in order to enjoy the gift giving without enduring the stress associated with overspending. Just as a reminder, we like to travel as a family so that is where we spend money on, therefore we have a somewhat tight budget for Christmas. These tips can also be applied to birthdays. These are the things I keep in mind:

  1. have a budget in mind
  2. shop throughout the year
  3. think before buying
  4. have a few hostess type gifts handy


You might be able to put some money aside for gifts for Christmas whether it is cash, redeeming credit card points for gift cards or Ibotta and Fetch points. I do not have a specific total amount in mind when buying gifts because I often buy gifts throughout the year or in the 3 months leading to Christmas.  I probably would estimate my budget to be about $200-250 for gifts for the kids (total not each child). The money I spend usually comes out of my monthly budget so it is not excessive.


Shop throughout the year

I love finding gifts on clearance! At the end of summer, Target usually have their games on clearance and I sometimes find something that the boys would like. I also occasionnally walk throughout the year through the store to look at the clearanced items to find stocking stuffers. I keep an eye on sales for things that the boys may enjoy.

The boys have stocking gifts to open (usually my favorite) and then usually 4 gifts each:

  • books (I shop for these at the school Scholastic book sales with suggestions from the boys)
  • something they want: usually a game or toy, nothing crazy big but I did buy my son a corn hole set last year)
  • something they need: last year I bought them each one of those soft blankets from Nordstrom and they use them all the time: best on sale purchase ever!
  • one more thing! This could be a game or a movie or another toy.

I do not ask my children for a list but I do ask for a few suggestions!

Think before buying

I have made the mistake before of buying something that I think the boys would enjoy but I would hate! Toys that are too noisy or take way too much space come to mind! I tend to donate those within a year or two. I now ask myself the question whether the children will really play with the toys and whether I want those toys in my house. I have come to learn that my boys like toys they can build with (blocks, magnetic tiles), games we can play together as a family or a game for their wii player. I think that we sometimes buy our children too many things and they become indifferent to the gift giving and do not appreciate some of the things they have.


Hostess gifts, teachers or extra child gift

During the holiday season, you might be invited to a party and may need to bring the hostess a gift or have the need for an extra gift for a child. Don’t forget teachers’ gifts! I have a designated place for these in my house. These gifts are usually fun items that I found on sale so that if the occasion presents itself, I have a gift ready to bring. Don’t discount homemade gifts! If you have a particular talent and you know the person well enough to know their taste, you can also create neat hostess gifts yourself! I have a cricut machine and I have a box of different gifts I make in advance for teachers both for Christmas and end of the year gifts.

And now I need to start brainstorming some ideas for my children’s gifts and start shopping next month!

A bientôt!

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  • Nancy

    Oh don’t even want to think about Christmas yet! We have a very summery weekend ahead! But these are good tips as there is so much money going round at Christmas time.

    • mimifce

      My mom got it for me 2 years ago,I love it too! You have to think early so you don’t spend all at the same time though! And you can plan and shop more wisely!

  • jodie filogomo

    This is so smart Mireille. We used to shop WAY in advance especially when we found the perfect things at perfect prices.
    At least for mom, Nancy, Rob and I, we have changed the focus to being together on the day instead of exchanging gifts!! I love how it’s the memories we have instead of stuff!!

  • Julie | This Main Line Life

    These are good tips. I like to get my Christmas shopping done early too and I try to pick things up through the year if I see something I think the person will really like. It’s nice to have that already done when the holiday rush starts.

    • mimifce

      Exactly! I have picked up a few things and know what else to get for the kiddos. Just have to figure out my husband! He is always the hardest to shop for.

  • Mica

    These are great tips! for the kids we do something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read. Although I can go a little overboard in each of those categories sometimes, ha! We try not to give them many gifts other than those 4, maybe a couple little stocking fillers too, as they are the first grandkids on both sides and are SO spoiled, ha!

    This year I’ve finished shopping for them and we have bought them a trampoline as their big ‘want’ toy and asked the grandparents to put money towards that instead of getting gifts 🙂 Once a book has been released I’ll be finished buying for hubby too, but I still need to order my sister’s gift and something else for my parents. I try finish Christmas shopping early, so we can spend the time and money in December doing fun Christmas things as a family! 🙂

    Hope that you have a lovely weekend ahead of you 🙂

    • mimifce

      Great plans! That is awesome that you are already ready! There are always some fun family activities to do around Christmas.

  • Ellibelle

    These are great tips and ideas. I’ve picked up some great things from the Target clearance sales over the years. Educational toys and practical gifts were always on top of our christmas shopping list, and the kids always enjoyed them. It was a sad day when they told me they no longer wanted Legos (because they had too many) but glad they enjoyed them for as long as they did! Now it’s only teenage stuff to buy which is not easy! Thanks for sharing this post, it’s time for me to put on my thinking cap! Christmas will be here before we know it!
    Ellibelle’s Corner

    • mimifce

      Yes, the same happened with legos here! We do always enjoy the educational games. Got my oldests a game called brain games this year that they should enjoy. A marble maze game for my 13 year old on his bday is still entertaining him. Writing down ideas as the kids come accross things, thankfully they never asks for real expensive things since they know that it not something we do.

    • mimifce

      Thankfully the only adult I have to buy for his my husband because he is hard to shop for. I just do a few little things for my parents and my mom in law.

    • mimifce

      Exactly, Anna! It is nothing new but I know a lot of people who don’t do it and then become stressed out or feel guilty.

  • Donna

    I appreciate your wise and practical suggestions. Christmas can all too easily become all about consumerism. I’m not opposed to kids having Christmas gifts but we definitely need to strive to teach the right heart attitudes about it all. I always intend to do more shopping ahead of time but I have not been as successful as I hope each year. I hope to get started soon this time around.

    • mimifce

      I so agree about materialism and consumerism. We still work on our kids showing their appreciation by thanking the gift givers personally and thankfully they haven’t gone without or nor have been given too much so their expectations are not crazy!

  • Susan

    I start Christmas shopping in October when the weather is nice. I take my time because I do not like to over spend. It’s silly. My kids would rather spend time with us than open a pile of gifts.