budgeting,  mom

No spend month: how to be successful

You often see bloggers or Instagrammers mentioning they are doing a no spend or no shopping month. It probably means something slightly different for each individual but this is what it means for me.

Mireille’s no spend month

Refrain from spending UNECESSARY money:

  • no clothes shopping
  • no fun Amazon shopping
  • no new decor

Be thrifty:

  • create budget meals and menu
  • eat in (we actually barely ever eat out unless we are on vacation)
  • make snacks as much as possible

Being successful

  • I like to be accountable so I downloaded a calendar app so I can track my spend/no spend days
  • Look at your calendar: what is coming up? Plan accordingly! My son is turning 2 so we will have a party which will involve buy more food than usual. However, I bought one gift on clearance this summer and I have enough Amazon free gift cards to buy his gift which is inexpensive, a new ball pit for his balls. We also have a fall break where we plan to visit a family member at his lake house and we will bring food which will add to our weekly food budget
  • Make a list of wants for following month without going overboard (don’t spend the money saved this month on top of what you would usually spend in a month) to have something to look forward to. I would like to find a pair of grey jeans and a pair of black boots, both inexpensive, in November or December.
  • Watch our regular bills by saving energy making sure not to keep doors open and using too much water. Drive less if that is possible.

Why do a no spend month?

  • reset your budget
  • curb your shopping enthusiasm
  • save money
  • realize that what you have is enough
  • shop your closet and your house

Hope these tips help! I think the most important step is to be committed and plan ahead: if you do spend money, do not go overboard and give yourself grace!

Here ends my little Friday budget series for a while!

A bientôt!

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