

This post will not be wordy. I am letting the pictures speak for themselves and sharing my sons’ sunset poems. We have been blessed these past months with great weather, outside time and the opportunity to spend a weekend at the lake. These pictures were taken one evening at the lake courtesy of my son.

The sun sets as the moon rises,

bringing upon us an era anew with surprises.

As dusk is brought upon by the coming of night,

the stars start twinkling shedding their light.

M (13)

In summer, sunsets are late

And you have to stay awake.

In winter, you can just look up

And see the beautiful sunset.

J (9)

The sunset reflects on the water

When the sun sets the sky is orange and pink

And the sun goes away but the moon comes out.

N (6)

How beautiful is God’s creation! Thankful for the time and opportunity to be outdoors and enjoy the beauty of nature!

A bientôt!

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