friday favorites,  mom

Walking Doesn’t Always Have to Feel like Exercise

Last week, as I had two children at home, I took advantage of the pretty weather to take them for a nice walk near our neighborhood as well as on a picnic. I often walk there, it is a 2.5 mile loop and is bordered by fields and trees. I usually go there for exercise and keep a fast pace and tend to have a hard time slowing down when I walk there with family members. But on this occasion, I decided to slow down. take it at the boys pace and enjoy it. And slow down I did: it took us 1 and 1/2 hours to do this loop!

The first thing we did was enjoy the dandelions! We stopped to blow on them, looked at the seeds and pick them.

We also discussed why we didn’t want them in our yard and looked for some of the other flowery weeds that border the paved trail. It is funny how children are so proud of picking little flowers to give to their mommy!

The other thing that we enjoyed (apart from stopping for snacks) was looking at the Bradford Pear trees. They are so pretty but they sure are stinky!

As you can see it was another sunny day: blue skies just make me happy! I only wonder though how hot spring and summer will be! While I enjoy spring and fall, summer can be a little brutal with the heat and humidity in Georgia.

Gorgeous blooms aren’t they! I really think my favorite season is fall but all the different blooms are so special and pretty! I used to take my mother in law to the Atlanta Botanical gardens and she was able to name all of the trees. The only reason I can name this one is because it smells!

There really was something special about enjoying this walk with the boys. I really need to take the time to enjoy moments and times with the boys without having an agenda and look at my watch waiting for when they will entertain themselves. The following day, we brought a picnic to the end of the loop where they are beautiful large trees and had another nice fun time together.

A bientรดt!

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  • Joanne

    Your photos are beautiful! That looks like a fabulous walk. I was just remarking to my boys that it’s amazing to me (now that they are older) how much faster we can all walk the same trails we always have. Every now and then though I do miss the slower pace and more often than not I’m the one slowing them down now as I snap away with my camera.

  • Nancy

    That sounds like a great time! I can enjoy spring so much, all the birds are singing, all the blossom! I think it’s a amazing season! Have a great weekend!

  • Penny

    What a great post and it’s so good you enjoyed the walk with the boys, the blossom is gorgeous.

    Have a lovely weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

    • mimifce

      Oh, yes those trees smell like fish or something, not nice! But they are already changing to leaves!

  • Mica

    It’s so nice taking a little stroll with the kids! There are a few trails near us and we just relax and enjoy walking along with them – it’s so much more relaxing going at toddler pace on a walk, haha!

    And yes, I have more little flowers the kids picked me than actual bouquets! ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s sweet that they do it – I was reading a book – I think it was Maggie Dent maybe – some parenting book anyway – and the author pointed out that kids have nothing, they can’t earn things so they just find things. And instead of keeping those little treasures they find for themselves they want to give back what little they have and gift us with the flowers or feathers or rocks they find. It’s so sweet!

    Hope that you are having a nice weekend ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s a busy one here!

    • mimifce

      About get started on changing over my blog theme. Probably can use some prayers! After that we are going to shop for some furniture!

  • Natalie

    WOW! These are gorgeous photos!!! The area you live in looks very dreamy. I wouldn’t mind living in a place that has views like this. Florida living doesn’t look like this at all.

    • mimifce

      We are pretty well located, in a subdvision but small town in the country. So it is nice with some fields nearby.

  • Ellie

    Such amazing pictures!! I can’t believe you already have dandelions that turned to seed, personally I don’t mind having them in my backyard as long as there aren’t too many. I find them so pretty wether they are blooming or turned to seed, just don’t like the long stems they make at some point and stick out so much then.
    Ellibelle’s Corner

  • Laura Bambrick

    It’s too bad those trees smell! They look so beautiful! Love the purple flowers too! I’ve been enjoying walking my oldest to and from school each day. It’s nice exercise!

  • Shelbee on the Edge

    Such beautiful photos, Mireille. I have to remember to slow myself down when I go out walking with the children as well. They do love to stop and look at every little detail! Mine also love to pick up and inspect any piece of trash they may find lying on the ground as well! Haha. Thanks for sharing your walk and linking with me, my friend.
