friday favorites

  • friday favorites,  mom

    August Favorites

    It’s back to school! I am loving the routine and walking my youngest to school. I got together with a couple of parents to carpool after cross country practice. It makes life easier! I also am enjoying some time cooking without interruptions and am trying to add a little something fun most days to my routine of chores and errands. Time to add more exercising, some thrifting and I might try to enjoy the pool on my own once a week. My Running Tribe Forever grateful for my running tribe! This is the best running club ever! We support each other, love each other and make each other stronger. One…

  • friday favorites,  mom

    Month in Review

    September is always a busy month for us but this month was even busier than ever! Here is my month in review! 20th Anniversary Date My husband surprised me by coming home a day early from his work trip and we went out on a nice date. I was spoiled with a new wedding band (mine had to be caught off at the fire station last year as I couldn’t take my rings off after trying for years and it started to pain my finger) and a message in a bottle. Here is my quick look for our date dinner. Our big celebration starts today (I will share next week…

  • friday favorites,  mom

    May Favorites: Things that Make me Smile

    We are heading on a vacation to New Orleans tomorrow and I only have a post scheduled for Monday. I will be back to my regular schedule starting with the Sunday Showcase on June 5. Today I wanted to end this month by sharing a few things that have brought me joy this past month. Lavender I have always loved the scent of lavender and kept some lavender my friend and I picked 25 years ago till just recently. I have been trying to grow lavender and my first plant is the only one that has done well and survived. This is a picture of some of the blooms. I…

  • friday favorites,  mom

    January Favorites: Running and French Treats

    I don’t post favorites every month but sometimes I like to think about things that have brought be joy or that I have enjoyed during the month. After trying to run a 2 miles 8 days in a row I figured that while I enjoy running leasurely with others, I only like to run faster when I do a 5K. So at running club, depending on my mood I run with the slower ladies or the faster ones. I also am not forcing myself to run every day but just a few times a week and walking other days. I love the outdoors and while we get cold weather, we…

  • friday favorites,  mom

    Friday Favorites

    I almost didn’t post today but then I decided to share things that made me happy this month. They were not purchases even though those were fun but they were moments and time spent doing things that I love! Outdoors Fire with the Family We’ve been making fires on Sunday nights as hubby is usually finishing work on Friday and we are at church part of Saturday evening. We love this time hanging out by the fire, eating treats, playing games (sometimes) and just hanging out. This past one was even nicer has the weather has cooled off in the evenings. Running Ran my 2nd 5K in 2 months and…

  • friday favorites,  mom

    Friday Favorites June Edition

    I cannot believe the month of June is almost over.That means, we have been on summer break for practically a month already and that school will start in about 6 weeks. I have been enjoying time with the kids even though they sometimes drive me crazy and we have had a lot of quality time playing board games, going on outings and playing the Nintendo switch. Our Garden I have finally found a few plants that will survive my lack of care (actually, my mother in law has been watering them). But I am really enjoying the sunflowers I planted. We have a couple of lavender plants as well as…

  • friday favorites,  mom

    Walking Doesn’t Always Have to Feel like Exercise

    Last week, as I had two children at home, I took advantage of the pretty weather to take them for a nice walk near our neighborhood as well as on a picnic. I often walk there, it is a 2.5 mile loop and is bordered by fields and trees. I usually go there for exercise and keep a fast pace and tend to have a hard time slowing down when I walk there with family members. But on this occasion, I decided to slow down. take it at the boys pace and enjoy it. And slow down I did: it took us 1 and 1/2 hours to do this loop!…

  • friday favorites

    February Friday Favorites

    I really should write notes on my phone if no paper is available when I have an idea. Here I am in front of my computer writing my post for tomorrow and I have no idea which Friday Favorites I will share wih you today! I am very grateful that Georgia was not hit by the cold front and am keeping everyone in Texas in my prayers. I actually have friends whom I didn’t realize had just moved there but thankfully nothing major has happened to their house. We always wish for snow but our infracture in the south is not prepared for it nor do we know how to…