The Rain Brings out the Mushrooms
Last week, my brother and I visited the nearby Indian Mounds and I couldn’t believe the number and variety of mushrooms we saw. I started taking pictures and then decided it would be fun to share those pictures.
I used my google feature to identify the mushrooms so hopefully it is fairly accurate. These are Lepiota, a gilled ground dwelling saprotrophs that enjoy rich, calcareous soils.
Here is another shot of them. It was interesting to me to see where the mushrooms chose to propagate as there were some species at the base of trees, some in piles of mulch. and of course in the middle of decomposing piles of leaves.
It appears that these mushrooms are a type of Chanterelle mushrroms (Cantharellus). So if they are, they would be edible but I won’t be trying them! I will leave the picking and eating to the experts.
These fluted bird’s nest fungus have a widespread distribution and can be found in most temperate regions of the world. It gets its name because it resembles a small nest with miniature eggs. They can be found growing on dead wood as well as woodchip mulch.
I think these are mushrooms known as jelly fungus, false hedgehog mushroom, cat’s tongue or white jelly mushroom. These were very delicate and pretty.
The giant leucopax or giant funnel can become quite large. The one at the bottom was longer than my foot! It is typically found growing in groups in grassy pasture, roadside hedges or woodland clearings. They made me think of giant marshmallows that were half roasted and melted.
If you are a mushroom expert, you might correct me on my identifications! I just found it really interesting how the rain really got all the mushrooms growing and propagating. It was fun to point them out to my youngest.
A bientĂ´t!
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Not a mushroom expert; but I do enjoy photographing the different varieties we see as we hike and explore too. I have never seen one of those birds nest varieties before!
Yes, they were a nice surprise.
Terri Gardner
I do love looking at mushrooms. Like you, it’s just looking-I don’t even think I would trust myself into picking the very distinctive Morel. I’ve looked into growing mushrooms and it’s very involved. Your photos are beautiful. I’ve never heard of the Bird’s Nest and can’t help but notice that well mulched ground that all of them are growing on.
Thank you. Yes, there were several large piles of mulch and in each one, different mushrooms grew.
I don’t know what it is about mushrooms but they are always so fun to find and photograph! These look really neat! I don’t think I’ve ever seen the “fluted birds nest”, they look amazing.
I don’t blame you for not wanting to eat any mushrooms found in the wild, even if they look like they are edible. You just never know!
Ellibelle’s Corner
The fluted birds nest were pretty cool: I didn’t even realize it looked like tiny eggs inside till later.
Thes are great pics! it’s awesome there are so many varied kinds of mushrooms around! I don’t see much when we are walking out the trails but I think that’s because it’s so dry here and not a good mushroom environment? Just a guess though I don’t know much about them haha!
Hope you are having a good week. First week of spring here in Brisbane đŸ™‚
I think that is why: they thrive in moist environment.
jodie filogomo
Gosh that is a TON of mushrooms Mireille. Now that’s something I don’t see around here, lOL
Too dry over there I think!
These are beautiful and it was fun to learn these different kinds of mushrooms!
I always am surprised at the variety I can find.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
This is so cool! Especially those fluted bird’s nest fungus!! I have never seen anything like that!
Those have been everyone’s favorites: they are really neat!
They look cool yet kinda spooky! Perfect for Halloween..? đŸ™‚
Lol! Definitely spooky if you start eating them =)