budget,  fashion,  Ways to wear,  winter

Neon Pink Sweater 3 Ways

I have just had a ball finding fun sweaters this winter! The week before Christmas, I stopped by Target on their 30% off day and bought this beauty for $15. Yes, I had planned to not shop for a whole month, but with all stressful things happening at the house with elderly ill parents, I am giving myself grace. I wore the first outfit the day after I bought the sweater. I probably have worn the sweater 3 to 4 times since I bought it.

Pink and Olive

I have always enjoyed wearing the color olive because it really pairs well with everything. I love it with stripes especially, but you sure cannot beat a bright pink and olive combo.

I have been surprised how much I love the crop puffer vest! An impulse buy, but a good one. The sneakers first got worn in Costa Rica and are very comfortable.

Pink and Skirt

I still need to wear this outfit!

Halftee sent me a little cute necklace for Christmas and I am wearing it in all of these pictures. It’s simple and dainty and I have enjoyed it.

Pink and Denim

My winter purple and pink scarf paired perfectly with the sweater. My son was funny on this morning: he said I looked like someone from the 1800s with the skirt and then asked if people really read my blog and were interested in my outfits.

I hope this post gave you some inspiration on wearing a bright colored sweater. The formula would work with any color: think bright blue or yellow, orange or green.

A bientôt!

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