ageless style link up,  fashion,  summer

White Dress with Brights for the Ageless Link Up

This month, the Ageless Link Up ladies are showcase white dresses or skirts with bright colors! I decided to share a dress I showcased a couple years ago, this thrifted Crown and Ivy eyelet dress. When I looked up my post, I was surprised to see that I had shared it for an Ageless Link Up too! Here is the post, where I paired it with yellow and pink. Today, I am sharing with multicolored wedges and a scarf I brought back from the Republic of Georgia.

I actually bought the pink ball earrings specifically for this post. I used to have a pair of pink and orange ones which finally unraveled last year. The bracelet is also second hand, I bought it at an estate sale.

I keep this little zippered pouch in my purse, I have a little first aid kit in it, my keys and a few other small items. It makes it a little easier to find things in my summer totes. The close up of the scarf shows you the pretty butterflies on it. I bought it at a flea market for about $12.

I love the length of this dress: it makes it appropriate for church (which is when I wore it) and the eyelet is the perfect summer fabric. I still can’t believe that most of my dresses are thrifted: I really should pull them all out and actually count which are not. I love their originality and that I buy them because I love them, not because I love them on someone else (which often leads me to bad buying decisions).

Another thing I cannot believe is that my son is starting college in exactly a month! I am very proud of him for his success in high school and I hope that he mixes in some fun with all of the studying he will be doing at Georgia Tech. He plans to join the swim club and is rooming with one of his high school buddies. He is planning to major in bio-medical engineering, but only probably has a semester to confirm or change that major since he already has most of his general Ed classes credit. He has enough AP credits to start as a Sophomore.

School is starting August 1st for my other 3 boys. We enjoyed summer and we will enjoy school too! As usual, I have all of these ideas for fun school lunches, but we will quickly revert to sandwiches and packaged snacks.

Do you have a white dress or white skirt? I have another white dress (which I just donated) and a white overlay “dress” as well as a white cargo skirt. I used to have a white peasant skirt that I loved but never found one to replace it with.

Fashion knows no age! Join us to link up your blogs the third Thursday of the Month!

Amy ~ Amy’s Creative Pursuits

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Bo ~ Bo’s Bodacious Blog

Blog / Instagram /Pinterest / Bloglovin’

Joanna ~ My Slice of Life


Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style

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Leslie ~ Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever AfterBlog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Marsha~ Marsha in the Middle

Blog /Instagram

Mireille ~ Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom

Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Rosemary ~ Distinctly Southern Style

Blog / Instagram / Pinterest / Facebook

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A bientôt!

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