friday favorites,  mom

Summer Favorites

As summer draws to an end, I wanted to share a few summer favorites, some being experiences while others being little tools that I really enjoyed. I like summer to a certain extent, but it is definitely not my favorite season with the heat, humidity, bugs and the children complaining about boredom. But of course there are some fun things associated with summer too!

River and Pool Time

If it’s hot, the place place to be is the water! We have a river just a few minutes from the house and we sometimes take advantage of it and take a float down to the next boat/river access. I don’t go to the pool too often in the middle of the summer as it gets crowded, but I did enjoy a wonderful couple of hours when school was back in session.


I still run in the summer but not as often as it gets really hot really quickly. I do love the sunrises though when on a run! Zinnias are the only flowers that survive my care as they do not need much watering. And I do love to walk barefoot in the summer! If we are playing in the yard, I am most likely to be barefooted.


I have been enjoying my iced coffees all summer long. I don’t bake very often, but this one was a successful desserts: a sheet pan  strawberry short cake (all homemade down to the cream). The boys enjoyed fresh lemonade the one time we made some!


What a bounty! We received a dozen fresh eggs and picked fresh blueberries and blackberries on the same day. That was a highlight for me this summer. I found this nifty tool at Aldi after Jodie shared hers on her stories (this one is from Amazon). It makes eating pineapple so much easier!


Paula from Dimples on my What shared this cool table top tiki torch on her stories one day. I found my ceramic container at TJmaxx and made two. They are pretty and with the citronella scent help keep bugs away.

And there you have it, summer favorites!

A bientôt!

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