budget,  fall,  fashion,  inspired by

Inspired by Nancy: Vest, Leopard and Denim

I cannot believe how many inspired by looks I’ve been able to recreate lately! While this one is only loosely based on Nancy’s look (some are closer to the inspiration), it was definitely an outfit that I want to create and wear after bookmarking her blog post. Here is the original post for you to visit!

In her outfits, Nancy is wearing a leopard tee and black strappy sandals, but since I had neither, I choose a pair of black booties and this long leopard sleeve tee. The top feels like a light sweatshirt, and was thrifted a few years ago. Now that I think about it the White House, Black House were thrifted too and have been in my closet for longer than the top.

The vest is actually a dress that doesn’t fit me anymore. It works really well as an open vest. It was mine, then my mom’s then mine again!

Since Nancy was wearing bold gold jewelry and a belt, I shopped my closet for something similar and added this gold cuff: I usually wear it on date nights.

I did a little reorganizing in my closet to give myself space to hang 5 or so outfits for the week and put the shoes under these. Instead of purchasing a fancy clothes rack and putting it somewhere, I am using the space I have and not overwhelming my closet with laying clothes on the floor and hanging them in front of my shoes (the way I was doing it before).

Details: I love the buttons on this dress: they are of nice quality, have never gotten loose and add interest to the dress/vest.

A bientôt!

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