budget,  fall,  fashion

Denim Dress as a Jacket

I took the pictures for this post a while back and had it planned on my calendar, but it turned out I forgot to write the post! So here it is finally! I shared this thrifted denim dress in this post last month. Because it is a tight fit and the zipper is a full zipper, I knew I could wear it also as a jacket.

Because the pieces under the jacket are plain (grey tank, black skinny faux leather), I decided to step it up with my accessories. I wore a pendant from my grandmother combined with a necklace from a friend, embroidered earrings and fun shoes.

It is not my favorite look, but I am not sure yet how I will style it next. I am thinking some pants that are either wide leg or straight, and maybe a printed top. It would be fun to see what other silhouette would look nice with the “jacket”.

Not that this outfit is bad, I just feel like it is lacking something. I think the choice of the tank is throwing me off. But that is what is fun about fashion and style: you get to try some things out and decided whether you like it or not.

And look: I didn’t realize one earring was facing backwards in this picture till now: I should dock my photographer! I always tell the boys to pay attention to details, but I didn’t catch that one myself either!

So I think I will revisit this dress as a jacket and share it later on the blog. I am curious to see what I will come up with. Do you ever struggle with an outfit and wonder why it doesn’t work or how it can be improved?

A bientôt!

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