
Blog Anniversary #6

I looked back and I think I let last year’s blog anniversary slip by! I decided to take a moment today and celebrate entering my 7th year of blogging! I started blogging March 2019 as a hobby (it is still a hobby) because I enjoyed reading fashion and lifestyle blogs and as a stay at home mom, I needed a little creative outlet. I wanted to share the joys of getting dressed every day in a budget friendly way, and also wanted to share our family travels. Here are some of my favorite outfits from the past year.

I am still a stay at home mom, and after taking care of my mother in law for about a year before she passed away, now I am taking more responsibilities and time with my parents who are aging and starting to have more struggles. That mainly means doing their groceries (or accompanying my mom while she does her grocery shopping), going with them to my mom’s doctors appointments and making sure they get the help they need. We are working on home care right now.

So, I am pretty sure I will not be returning to the work force just yet, and because I am still loving blogging, I will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. I still enjoy reading blogs and getting inspired to create new outfits or to visit new places, and I enjoy sharing my outfits and ideas in hope of encouraging others to shop their closet, to thrift and to shop wisely.

I have met some wonderful people while blogging and while some I haven’t met in person, others have become in person friends. Below are pictures from the last year, with Jodie (JTouchofStyle) and Rachel (theFauxFrenchGirl) who I get together with several times a year).

While I do have friends who lived nearby (a few of my running friends, I consider close friends), it is really fun to have friends who love the same things I do and just like people believe that clothes can make a difference in your daily outlook. Sharing a love for fashion is fun!

A bientôt!

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